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Taylor appears on yet another podcast with literal Jew-obsessed Nazis |
Jared Taylor is one of the shining lights of race realism and White identitarianism. Also throughout his career he has had a generally sensible attitude to the Nazitard excesses of the Alt-Right -- i.e. he has rejected them.
Remember, in December 2016, when Spencer orchestrated the Heilgate disaster that ruined the Alt-Right?
Jared Taylor was one of the first to distance himself from Spencer's Nazi-signalling dumpster fire. At the time Taylor declared:
“I was as shocked as anyone by all of that. The Alt-Right is a very broad movement. I have always known that there were at least anonymous Twitter accounts that are openly Nazi and anti-Semitic, but I did not think Richard Spencer was that sort of person...I think having some of this attitude of Jews as an enemy, that's not my position at all. I think very much Jews can be White people, men of the West, so I was shocked by these images that we've seen... I was very surprised. I was very saddened by it. I think it’s a terrible, terrible pity. I don’t endorse any form of National Socialism. I think that’s a completely inappropriate and crazy model for the United States.”
Quite right!
However, more recently, Taylor, who is now 69 and may be out of touch with how Neo-Naziism is constantly repackaging itself on the internet, has been getting quite cosy with a suspicious range of characters.
Since 2018, he has been an increasingly regular speaker at the Scandza Forum, which is basically just a Neo-Nazi forum, where Taylor's famous statement about the Jews "they look huWhite to me" is distinctly the minority viewpoint. In fact, I don't think it's a stretch to say that these people are merely using Mr. Taylor as a dupe to suck in sensible White nationalists who reject their poisonous Nazi ideology but deeply respect Mr. Taylor.
For example, here is a recent Scandza line-up:
Just look at this line up: Greg Johnson, Mike Enoch, Mark Collett, etc.
I mean couldn't they also find a spot for Andrew Anglin and Weev?
Let's take that line-up one-by-one:
Frodi Midjord, the event's organiser, is a bit of a grey man, as he is soft spoken and good at mincing his words, but he is unquestionably a Nazi fan boy.
Here he is (on the right) in December 2018 at a LARPy Nazi event held in Kiev called Pact of Steel:
The pretty lady above is Olena Semenyaka, while the guy with the funny moustache is Hendrik Möbus.
Oh you've never heard of them! Well, Olena's something of a Ukrainian nationalist. In fact she hates the Russians, who once oppressed her country, so much that she went all the way to this:
Yes, petty European tribalism, I know. But that's not how Mr. Taylor's audience of boomer Americans are going to see it.
Hendrik Möbus, the other guy in the photo with Frodi, is the main force and only permanent member of the NSBM band Absurd. NSBM, btw stands for National Socialist Black Metal. Yes, Nazi Metal -- check out the lyrics sometime, and maybe dig up this guy's pretty interesting back story. Also he seems to have been good pals with the Atomwaffen morons/Feds/shills.
Also on the Scandza poster we see Mike Enoch's name. Oddly there is no picture of him. Maybe he was a late addition or maybe they just thought he looked too Jewish. My money's on the latter.
Anyway Enoch needs no introduction in these pages as we are all familiar with his weird "Nazi Jew" tragedy, in which he constantly obsesses about his own kind and "jokes" about exterminating them. The guy is probably a comic genius, but wasn't his offbeat sense of humour one of the main reasons Jared Taylor distanced himself from Spencer's Heilgate fiasco?
Another big name on the poster is Greg Johnson.
Here at Trad News, we have often had occasion to mention him. Suffice to say he is a gay Hitler fan who basically doesn't want anyone who isn't a teenage blond Hitler Jugend in his gay bathhouse ethnostate.
In fact he is so gay that he even based the cover of his book "The White Nazi Manifesto" on a famous Black-on-White gay porn movie. Looks like Greg is also pretty conflicted and even has a little "coal thirst" in his complex psychological profile!
Now, let's consider Mark Collett.
He is an ex-member of the BNP -- so far so good. But unfortunately he used to date a giant walking swastika.
Actually, she's not a giant. Mark is just vertically challenged. But, so what, he can't help that. It's just that being a bit of a shortarse has been known to push some people into becoming Nazis.
Mark is generally a clever operator who works hard to not get kicked off YouTube, while dog-whistling hard as a Nazi. His podcast is called the "Patriotic Weekly Review" or PWR.
Yes PWR in White letters. I'll let you think about it: "White PWR." Hmmm, what is he trying to say???
Before he launched his own channel on YouTube, he was a regular guest on David Duke's show. This is where his constant Nazi-whispering and use of heavily loaded pronouns to denote the Jews comes from.
Another thing about Collett is that he likes to arrange little keep-fit hiking events like this:
Good for him, but is this just about getting a lung-full of fresh air?
Check out the chunky looking blond on the right -- Rebel Media reject Lucy Brown. Here's a tweet from not so long ago where she's selling a "fash-tag" T-shirt (geddit?):
Plus check out her lovely necklace:
No, take a closer look:
Can't blame an uneducated THOT for not knowing what a ‘Sonnenrad’ is -- or its connection with Heinrich Himmler, the guy responsible for the SS and a lot of other "bad shit" that is still used today to demonise and marginalise White people and their nationalism.
I get it that a lot of people will see absolutely nothing wrong with any of these people -- or their fashion choices -- and will even sympathise with the "poor, victimized Third Reich," and complain about how the "all-powerful Jews" want to promote "White genocide," etc., etc.
I disagree with that trite analysis, but, sure, I get it. Lots of people will see nothing wrong with these people. But my point is simply this and this alone: Does Jared Tayler really want to associate the Amren brand (i.e. sensible race realism and White nationalism) with this level of swastikas?
I would guess not. But I get the feeling that the old man is being duped.
Early last year, Grindr Greg, Hitler's biggest gay fan, was even telling everyone that Taylor had put him in charge of vetting Amren. At the time there were denials, and because Taylor's cred is generally good, most of us believed him. But now I'm not so sure.
Here's Arktos CEO Daniel Friberg hoping for the best:
Here's Arktos CEO Daniel Friberg hoping for the best:
Since then Taylor has been to several more Scandza Nazi events and has spoken alongside everyone's favourite gay Nazi -- and not in the sense of challenging Johnson's Jew-obsessed Neo-Nazi bullshit -- but in the sense of "We're all in this together."
Sure, the Left is going to call anyone on the right a "Nazi" but this doesn't mean you should get into bed with them. Once you do that the normies will start believing the Left, and who could blame them?
Jared, do you see it now?
The Scandza lineup is great. Valuable figures all.
Associating nationalism with Nazi crap is toxic and self-defeating. No doubt you're a shill.
FWIW, Jared turned 68 in September. The connotations that he is on the verge of dodderhood should be put to the test in a fitness match-up with Colin Liddell, who I generally like but is quick to resort to words like "senile" to describe people he disagrees with who are near the age of 65. As for Collett, I'm not at all sure how tall he is, but you're right that his "walking swastika" ex-girlfriend does not seem to be that much taller, judging from other pictures I've seen of her. I always thought that the Randy Newman song was satire. Maybe I'm wrong. But either way, there's a strong enough case against Collett without the extraneous stuff.
So Jared Taylor is lumping himself in with a Neo-Nazi who did time for murder. That's pretty fucked.
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