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Following reports that a sinister NGO was sending a "caravan" of migrants to invade America, President Trump has responded by remembering what military forces are actually for. He has now stated that he will use them to defend the US Southern border against invasion by illegal migrants.
"Until we can have a wall and proper security we’re going to be guarding our border with the military," Trump told reporters at the White House, adding that he would soon be meeting  with U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis to discuss the idea.

Although military forces throughout history have mainly been used to protect national borders from invasion, in America by contrast the military has been used as a source of political pork barrel, corporate welfarism, "unemployment storage," and as Israel's overseas back-up army. 

In fact the US military hasn't been used for its principal purpose of guarding the country's borders since the War of 1812, when US troops prevented invasions by "Caravans" of British soldiers, attacking Detroit, Washington, and New Orleans. 

In addition to deploying the US army on the Southern border until a Wall can be built, Trump is also exerting financial pressure on his Southern neighbours to clean up their act. He has threatened to cut off U.S. foreign aid to Honduras, where many of the migrants come from, unless it takes action to stop the migrant caravan. He has also put pressure on Mexico by threatening to cancel the NAFTA trade deal.

Already this has had a big effect, as reported by Reuters:
Mexican officials intensified efforts to process the dwindling group and determine whether they had the right to stay in Mexico or be returned to their countries of origin. Mexico has said such "caravans" of mostly Central Americans, including many escaping violence in Honduras, have occurred since 2010. Trump said he thought Mexico was having some success in stopping the caravan. "As of 12 minutes ago, it was all being broken up. We’ll see what happens," he said.
As could be expected, Democrat lawmakers and some Republicans expressed extreme "disquiet" at the idea of the military being sent to protect the border, even though this is exactly what every country in the World has done with its military since the year dot, with the exception of America.

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