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Forget about the global warming hoax and all that other fake, trivial shit. The most important issues of our day are internet censorship and the monopoly effect of social media. 

Companies like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have too much control over the public space, and are happy to use this power in completely arbitrary ways.

Following the deplatforming of our page and that of Red Ice Radio from Facebook, fellow social media giant YouTube is next up with a pre-Xmas purge of dissident content, with "edgy" Jewish comedian Owen Benjamin being the first casualty of this "Night of the Long Knives." Benjamin has lost two channels with a total of 400,000 subscribers, but remains defiant.

Who will they come for next? Whoever cultural terrorist groups like the ADL tell them to, obviously.

Benjamin's BitChute channel can be found here: https://www.bitchute.com/owenbenjamin/

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1 comment

Andy'scurious said...

Why u no mention unauthorized tv ?
Seems a little gatekeepy

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