The true story of the UK 2019 election is simple: Labour missed an open goal (probably on purpose).
People hate the Tory Party. They always have and they always will. It is seen as the party of rich, fat cat globalists and whoremongers, who want to treat the working class like cattle. But with nicer PR than the usual abattoir.
Labour by contrast is still viewed on some deep subterranean level as the "people's party." Sure they are crap at running things, especially the economy, and their leaders seem to think that numbers are just additional letters of the alphabet. But that should not be a major political problem when a party has been out of power for almost ten years, as voters seldom remember that far back.
The main point is that for most voters Labour still start off in the "warm, fuzzy zone."
Also, this year Labour had some really strong populist policies in their manifesto:
â–ºTax the super rich and the tech giants
â–ºNationalise things like the railways and other natural monopolies (gas, water, and electricity) that have been ripping off the public for years
â–ºFree broadband
â–ºMore NHS
etc., etc.
The point is not whether these policies would work or not. The point is that they all polled very well and were de facto populist polices.
But, with electoral gold like this, the Labour Party also mixed in plenty of electoral shit:
â–ºhumming and hawing on Brexit (and shove the Referendum up your arse!)
â–ºopen borders immigration
â–ºanti-White racism
â–ºcucking to Jewish groups for non-existent anti-Semitism
â–ºkowtowing to the LGBT+ agenda
Essentially Labour could have won this election easily and got all their economic Leftism at least enacted, if they had simply avoided shitting all over it with anti-Nationalist anti-normie bullshit.
That, in a nutshell, is the story of the UK election.
The only question that remains is why?
Maybe it's because Labour was designed and intended to fail in exactly this way as part of the "loyal opposition" to the globalist neoliberal order.
Cue entirely believable and logical conspiracy theory!
Cue entirely believable and logical conspiracy theory!
What globalists fear most of all is the extremely popular combination of nationalist populism with economic populism. Labour, by pushing economic populism while also rejecting nationalist populism, is designed to suck up a lot of populist sentiment and neutralise it.
Now thanks to a brilliant job by Mr. Corbyn, the British public can look forward to the bankers' friend Boris Johnson comfortably ruling their fates for the next 5 years.
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