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The achievements of the Trump administration have been many and varied, but the greatest one undoubtedly has been the Paul-Ryan-designed tax cuts, which are now attracting illegals immigrants and people from high-tax "shithole" countries to move to America.

After hearing that President Trump planned to cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and double the standard deduction from $6,350 to $12,000, hundreds of illegal migrants from Honduras set out to cross the US border, marching for weeks through Mexico, where corporate tax remains at an exorbitant 30%, 

After being assisted on their journey by the Mexican authorities, the low-tax loving migrants have now arrived at the US border, where they are attempting to enter the US. Thanks to Trump's spending plans, the border has conveniently been left without a wall. Instead there is only an easy-to-climb fence, which the migrants can climb in order to jeer at US border guards.

Another major bonus for the illegals is that most of them will enjoy a tax rate on their take home pay of 0% due to being "undocumented workers" in their new home. Better still, this will also allow them to out-compete costly American workers who still have to earn enough to pay taxes to provide the wide range of welfare services available in America's many "Sanctuary Cities" to people willing to vote Democrat.

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