Since Theresa May came out with her blueprint for Brexit at a meeting with her ministers at Chequers earlier this month, it has been a rocky ride for the UK PM.
Cabinet ministers have resigned, Brexiters demanded and got amendments to the plan, and Remainers did what they do best moan and kvetch. Now the EU is starting to respond to the plan, and it's not likely that they will be very welcoming.
But while these stories have been grabbing the headlines, something much, much more important to the long-term health of the Conservative Party has been happening.
In the weeks leading up to Chequers and the days since then, the rate at which the Party has been losing grass roots members and activists has been rapidly increasing.
Yesterday UKIP leader Gerard Batten tweeted this:
Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple: For decades the Conservative Party has been slowly moving away from the concerns and issues that its voter base is most interested in -- i.e. crime, immigration, national sovereignty, etc. It has become "just another party" that supports political correctness, gay marriage, mass immigration, and globalism. It is now a party of shortlists stacked with ethnics and women, just like all the other parties.
The question can be asked: Just what is this Conservative Party conserving?
Indeed, it is only because of a unique political miracle that the Conservative Party is being forced to deal with the issue of Brexit today. That was definitely not the plan.
Political pundits will say that the party's leadership had to "modernise" and move to the "political centre" in order to win elections in a "changing, multiracial Britain." The assumption here was always that traditional Tory voters would tag along simply because they had no alternative, and the truth is that a lot of them did. But the Chequers deal, it seems, has now pushed the base too far.
Instead of attracting new support, the party now finds itself in the trap of alienating its traditional support while getting nothing in return, except for a few opportunistic ethnics ready to take all the fast-tracking the party can offer.
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"Hey, Muslims, Grug give you Home Office. Why you no vote for Grug's Party?" |
And now here's the clincher: the Tory Party still looks big -- it still polls 35-40%, and sometimes higher, and even today it could probably still beat Labour in a General Election. But that is only because the Labour Party has now become so extreme.
The other side of the coin is that, unlike the Labour Party whose activist base has grown with an influx of SJWs and other Leftist freaks, attracted by its drift towards the extreme Left, the Tory Party's activist base keeps shrinking as it meanders in the middle.
The other side of the coin is that, unlike the Labour Party whose activist base has grown with an influx of SJWs and other Leftist freaks, attracted by its drift towards the extreme Left, the Tory Party's activist base keeps shrinking as it meanders in the middle.
Party membership is very important. The people who sign up and join a party are also the ones who hand out leaflets, put up posters, and go door-to-door during elections. Labour has an army of them because it has become more radical and extreme. Meanwhile the Conservative Party is bleeding members at an alarming rate because it clearly stands for nothing.
In fact, since Alt-Liters like Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Sargon of Akkad, and Count Dankula threw their support behind UKIP, there are signs that the formerly "dead" political party is now showing more green shoots than the Conservative Party.
Like a great rotten tree, the Tory Party looks massive and impressive from a distance, but upon closer inspection, it seems much more ready to collapse in a heap of mouldy wood.
If Britain had proportional representation instead of the undemocratic first-past-the-post electoral system, it would have surely collapsed by now.
1 comment
an alt right website endorses...proportional representation?
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