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The Alt-Right has finally found a new reason to exist after a Jewish man tweeted about an electric toothbrush that was mispriced at a Target store in Massachusetts. 

David Leavitt, a "blue check mark" with over 200,000 followers, found the electric toothbrush priced for just one cent and tried to buy it. Under Massachusetts law a store is required to sell any item it displays at the price indicated on the price tag. 

After the store manager refused to sell the toothbrush at the indicated price, Leavitt took to social media and tweeted about it. He also posted a picture of the store manager, Tori, who frankly looked bored with the whole thing. Leavitt then called the police and informed his Twitter followers that he would be suing the store.

The Alt-Right, which clearly has nothing better to do since the Groypers took the spotlight away from it in the Dissident Right, immediately started "twitter storming" about this.

The "confirmation bias" of finding a man of Jewish background being stingy about a few cents was too much for the Alt-Right, which also constantly memes about the Jews spending trillions of dollars in political donations. 

Mike Enoch of the Daily Shoah comedy-genocide podcast got particularly excited, even quoting Hitler in his tweets: 

In a further tweet, Enoch said:

And it's not about just being cheap. It's the whole thing. The kvetching, the intimidation, the threats, the legal technicalities and finally bringing in state force. He has no shame because in his community this is celebrated. It doesn't occur to him to be ashamed.

RamZPaul, who claims he is not a member of the Alt-Right but constantly dogwhistles its J-obsession, also pitched in with some penny-pinching advice of his own:

Good advice, RamZ. Hey, how much percentage of Jewish blood did you say you have?

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