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Following the disappointments of NPI's last conference and Richard Spencer's failed college tour, it is refreshing to see another Alt-Right organisation picking up the tiki torch by organising an actually successful Alt-Right gathering.

Over the weekend of March 9-11, Identity Evropa (IE) held its first national conference on the theme of “Leading our People Forward 2018,” with around 150 members attending.

Rather than tipping off the media and antifa beforehand, and then calling in self-declared Neo-Nazis as a security force as Spencer did at Michigan State University, Identity Europa cleverly kept the event and the venue on the down-low. The venue appears to have been somewhere in the Nashville area. 

At the conference, there were reports from chapter heads, outlining their activities and goals in a very professional manner, as well as speeches by Identity Europa Executive Director Patrick Casey, James Allsup, Sam Dickson, and Jared Taylor.

Taylor -- let us remember -- also spoke at NPI's now notorious "heilgate" conference in November 2016, when he was deeply embarrassed by the actions and words of Richard Spencer. This time Taylor's feelings about the conference were much more positive. As he wrote in an article published at American Renaissance:

"It was my privilege to be asked, along with Sam Dickson, to address the meeting. The sense of excitement and camaraderie was palpable, start to finish. I met activists from Texas, Nevada, Virginia, Tennessee, California, the Dakotas, Michigan, Florida, Georgia, and many other states; only Alaska did not seem to be represented, and there were two comrades from Canada. "
Following the conference, on Sunday afternoon, some 50 members of Identity Europa drove to the Parthenon building in Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee, where they carried out a flash mob and unfurled a 40-foot long banner reading “European Roots/American Greatness” while waving American and IE flags. Here again the mainstream media and antifa had not been given access-all-areas invites. 

Everything that Identity Europa is doing is firmly based on the successful model of European identitarian movements  that Spencer has pointedly ignored. European identitarian movements  make a point of minimising the social and professional costs of membership in their movements, and thus are able to attract more high calibre people.

This is in stark contrast to what Richard Spencer has been doing, which is to associate himself with the Nazi-themed troll culture of known Jewish disrupters like (((Andrew Anglin))) and (((Mike Cohen))), along with self-declared National Socialists, and then hold events to which the press and the antifa are invited so that supporters or simply the curious can get doxxed as "Nazis," beat up, or arrested for defending themselves.

Spencer's intellectual lights and moral compass have failed to point him in the right direction for several years now. Possibly his petulant vanity and envy of what Identity Europa have achieved might just do it. 

But really who cares? The Alt-Right has plenty of other talent to take it forward. So, why invest in a self-obsessed failure like Spencer, who, despite his many talents has been leading the Alt-Right down a dead end? 


Andrea Daley Utronebel said...

Look at your masthead.

It says


instead of


Please fix.

Anon said...

You should add IE's website to your Key Alt-Right Sites drop down

Colin Liddell said...


Silverwolf said...

Yes the right is big. No need really to bite and devour each other.

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