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The big push for gun control in the wake of the Florida school shooting was never going to go anywhere. The gun lobby and its friends in the military lobby are just too powerful for that. 

But a lot of naive companies got swept up in the "tsunami of feels" caused by the media gaslighting that followed the massacre by the deranged killer which killed 17. 

The result of this was that a whole host of companies came out to "virtual signal" about cutting ties to the National Rifle Association (NRA), a lobby group that fights to protect the Second Amendment. Delta Airlines was among the most prominent, announcing that it was cutting a discount they had previously offered NRA members travelling to Dallas in May for the organisation's annual meeting

This was clearly a bad idea as the NRA has 5 million paid-up members and tens of millions of supporters who take gun ownership seriously. They also have a lot of political pull in certain states like Georgia, where lawmakers responded to this blatant piece of politically-motivated virtue signalling by taking away a $50 million jet fuel tax break from Delta. 

As reported on CNBC's website:
"Delta announced on Saturday it would no longer give discounts to NRA members travelling to Dallas in May for the organization's annual meeting. The Georgia tax bill pulls a jet-fuel exemption for Delta, valued at $50 million.

The move by Georgia's statehouse was not a complete surprise as earlier in the week Casey Cagle, Georgia's lieutenant governor who presides over Georgia's Senate, said in a tweet he would "kill any tax legislation" that helps Delta unless the company continues ties with the NRA.

Delta said on Friday that it is not backing down, with its CEO saying "its values are not for sale."

The most significant point here is that a state is actually standing up to a corporation promoting the usual Cultural Marxist crap. Apparently this is quite unusual, and the lack of opposition has allowed corporate America to promote degenerate Leftist values for decades.
"In the past, states have caved to corporations when a political furor has erupted. In 1993 a Texas county north of Austin took issue with Apple's policy of giving health benefits to same-sex couples, but the county relented and gave the tech giant tax breaks. Salesforce used its pull in Indiana to soften the state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 2015."
Anyone who thinks that unelected corporations should not exert undue influence on society and politics in the way that Delta Airlines is trying to do, is advised to boycott them. 

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