In what is clearly an ADL/SPLC-directed move, sceptic individualist YouTuber Sargon of Akkad has had his Google account disabled. This prevents him from logging on to livestream broadcasts and participating in the so-called Google "blood sports" debates with the Alt-Right, which have been drawing large audiences recently.
A message received by Sargon read:
"The Google Account was disabled because it looked like it was being used in a way that violated Goodle's policies"
The (((ADL))) and (((SPLC))) are clearly deeply worried about the massive flow of new members to the Alt-Right from the sceptic and libertarian communites through the "blood sports" debates. For example, Sargon has hundreds of thousands of followers but regularly debates with Alt-Righters like Millennial Woes and Richard Spencer.
Now, thanks to Sargon's recent ill-advised livestream with (((Andrew Anglin))), the (((ADL))) and (((SPLC))) have been able to use Anglin's carefully contrived toxic image to scare normie corporate types at Google to shut him down. Recently the exact same thing happened to Baked Alaska who was banned from livestreaming for three months.
What makes this even more ridiculous is that Anglin is clearly an ADL/SPLC-controlled shill who is used to create a bogeyman caricature of White Nationalists and Alt-Righters in order to facilitate deplatforming of anyone who comes into contact with him. Colin Liddell, the editor of Affirmative Right was among the first to spot this tactic back in 2015, when he called it out.
Some in the Dissident Right, like Liddell, believe Anglin is himself a part-Jew married to a brown Filipino woman, and is under the control of the troll (((Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer))), who is a full and confirmed Jew LARPing as a Neo-Nazi.
Some identitarians oppose all Jews or part-Jews in the identitarian movement, while others welcome Jews or part-Jews who genuinely support White nationalism as well as being open about their own ethnicity. The worst Jew, obviously, is someone who hides his Jewishness while acting in a way that brings discredit to White Nationalism.
In fact the chances are that any identitarian or Alt-Righter who behaves in this way is probably secretly a Jew.
It is really rather pathetic the degree to which Dissent Righters like Baked Alaska, Andy Warski, and Sargon of Akkad have fallen into this extremely old trap -- all because they think not throwing someone under the bus who constantly utters "K***" and "N*****" will make them seem edgy and boost their hits and views.
It is really rather pathetic the degree to which Dissent Righters like Baked Alaska, Andy Warski, and Sargon of Akkad have fallen into this extremely old trap -- all because they think not throwing someone under the bus who constantly utters "K***" and "N*****" will make them seem edgy and boost their hits and views.
tbh Anglin wasnt being extreme in that debate
His recent "moderation" is part of his act to fool Alt-Righters.
Andrew Anglin's Daily Stormer is the world's #1 Alt-Right website; our most trusted source for News, commentary & Meme-Magic; programs like 'Fash the Nation' the Alt-Right's #1 podcast are part of our forum.
Andrew Anglin's troll attacks on the Mainstream Media are legendary.
It's important to note, as the Jewish media continues its steady decline for lack of trust; our media will stand at the ready to fill the void.
It is honestly a very strange situation watching Western governments working with invading third world populations against the native White population that they're supposed to representing and protecting.
We should all applaud Andrew Anglin for his tireless efforts in raising a "Troll Army" in their millions who dedicate their time energy and talents in creating the most provocative, outrageous, subtle, humorous memes, the world has ever known.
Alt Righters may come to DS for numerous articles, video, and radio shows, which are infectious; but they stay for the comment section, which are fun and energetic, provocative, outrageous, subtle, thought-provoking and often humorous.
The Alt Right - is a white/European, movement that has dominated the political discourse of both parties by pushing the Overton window farther to the right, which in turn forced the old guard Republicans further to the right and the Democrats further to the left.
We need to continue pushing our political agenda further while simultaneously engaging with Normies; pushing our Alt-Right ideals into the conscience of the moral majority has benefited our movement; we have become the new counterculture of ideas, expressions and politic discourse; we are the vanguard.
Normies love to identify with the Alt-Right, but most often self-identify as White Nationalist, Social Conservative, Fiscal Conservative, Southern Nationalist, Populist Civic Nationalist, Libertarians, etc.
The Alt-Right has essentially replaced the Neocons to become the most influential and largest voting bloc in the Nation.
We live in a technology-driven world where we consume massive amounts of information in short bits of text, via social media, status updates and quick video clips.
How we consume information has changed dramatically the Alt-right culture is real, our arguments are valid.
Words, imagery, icons, art, political theater, political violence, is far more interesting than anything the left might offer.
We are popular because we are interesting.
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