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Trump has blown it! 

The latest Congress spending bill that just passed the House, will be the last one that Trump will oversee with both houses under the control of the GOP, as the Dems are widely expected to win back Congress in November. This means that Trump will effectively be a lame duck President within 8 months. 

After November, it will be practically impossible for Trump to do anything of importance, so this bill was really his last chance to mobilise his base and push the GOP and Dems to give him what he had campaigned on. But he blew it! 

Instead, rather than demanding his wall and an end to chain migration, he deflected away towards military spending and what looks like an increasingly Neocon foreign policy.

As for the wall, all he managed to get was funding for a few prototypes ("wall porn" if you like) and 100 miles of the wall, most of which is just for repairing existing sections. The border by the way is around 1,900 miles long -- do the maths! 

You wanted a Wall, but instead
you got this clown again.
Out of the $1.3 trillion earmarked in the bill, Trump had asked for $25 billion for his border wall. But in the final deal, all he got was a measly $1.6 billion for border security. Now, that's a slap in the face with a wet fish, and surprisingly Trump took it like a little, simpering bitch.

Meanwhile $700 billion went to the military. This is approximately 437 times more than is being spent on Trump's ever shrinking wall, even though building the wall was the main promise he was elected on.  

The main effect of all this is clear: it will depress Trump's voter base, who care much more about immigration and changing demographics than Bush-era-style Neocon foreign adventures. 

This will make many of them stay at home in November, potentially handing the Dems not only Congress but also the Senate. This will also ensure that Trump will be defeated by whoever the Dems pit against him in the 2020 election, as he will be an embarrassing lame duck by then. 

After that, start saying goodbye to the 1st and 2nd Amendments, and then look forward to the Californication of America, as a prelude to its South Africanization, along with total economic collapse as the US government succumbs to the massive government debt it has built up to fight pointless wars against sand and rocks around the World.

Let me be the first to welcome our new Chinese masters.


ChanChanRight said...

I blame congress more than trump...the gop congress is hiding behind the 60 vote rule, hiding behind mcconnell and ryan so they don't have to take the heat for not doing anything on immigration

Anonymous said...

Varg was right all along.

Silverwolf said...

Well, I jumped off the Trump train when he chose Pence, because it was obvious at that point he was just a liar trying to get our votes. But truly, a most excellent liar. As for this article, all true, and sad. The mid terms are shaping up as an historic disaster. Secede.

frontiers said...

He hasn't blown it yet in my eyes.
I am going by what he does and not what he says.
The bill is pretty much a run of the mill budget for USA.
It did cause progression in our direction.

DACA is not there. Trump said some awful, game-over type things regarding that. But it's not there. Good.

Fine with Bolton. I support the wars and our foreign stance generally. You don't send us to war - then change your mind and say, oops!. You see it through to the end and deliver victory. You don't say to our enemies oh, sorry. We shouldn't have been there. So sorry. We surrender. That's where Trump cucked before ( he stopped-good). Not on Bolton or the military.

I was disheartened when he choose McMaster. It meant a number of things that weren't good from our perspective. But it was understandable under the circumstance. If Bolton screws up- and he might- then Trump can just fire him. But we need a very scary dude there right now.

We need to have the military as it is right now because we are dealing with very tough cookies out there. and the Missions are sophisticated and difficult and just and correct.

I know yo dont understand or agree- but a weak USA is not good for you or the world. The alternative may not be all that fun. Less fun than us.
And your Russian buddies, whether they believe it or not,whether they know it or not- is in grave danger. So it's not good for them either.

I wish another country was big enough and trustworthy enough to wield the kind power required- but there isn't right now. So sorry. It' s a dirty job, but someone's got to do it.

If he really blows it- then that'll be that. But so far- not.

His voters were down trodden by his DACA speech. they want to tie DACA with the wall. If he allows DACA- never mind the wall or anything else.

frontiers said...

The Teas got some good things they wanted. The deep audit of the Pentagon. The world class tax cut to encourage repatriation of our companies for economic and national and global security reasons. US production of oil and petroleum products and LNG to ease off the Middle East dependence and exposure. Again for national and global security reasons. And that wealth can come in our direction.

They would like a balanced budget. and in- house manufacturing of all vital needs, services and goods. The US is the second largest manufacturer int he world. However, that wealthy and security is diminished and the Teas would like that naturally reversed and put on solid ground.

For DACA. They be assisted to return to their native homelands. and the Councils and Embassies of their homelands help in repatriation of their citizens. and we could help them with that.

The governments of those countries where the minors came from must take responsibility for thier own people. Over the age of 21, they are adults willfully breaking our laws, and should be assisted to return to their native homes.

Many illegals people want to return to their Homelands but just can't afford it. they have received health care and education and are not returning empty handed. but have many good things to offer to thier own Homelands. But it's expensive to move and buy the plane ticket, and they need some help.

frontiers said...

The reason why we need a physical barrier- even one that you can't see through, is becuase this process of keeping people out must have the human factor taken out of it as much as possible. The X factor- the Human Factor must be removed.

The wall doesn't have to be a big ugly, depressing, eye sore. It can be built with an eye for beauty and usefulness for both countries. I like Trumps idea about making it generate clean electricity. That was outstanding.

frontiers said...

There' a lot of buck -sheesh being made.

Western Union and other similar companies make a bazzillion jillion dollars per year from remittances. Many countries receiving those remittances work out to be the biggest or second or third biggest part of their economy.

They have it that trade deals are negotiated with those countries- and a big part of those trade deals include packages of work visas and other kinds of visas.

This needs attention and amendment. Trade deals and negotiations must be de-coupled from immigration.

frontiers said...

Not only trade deals are negotiated including packages of visas- but security deals are too.

We must stop this or greatly reduce it- and offer incentives other than immigration to USA when doing our international negotiations.

frontiers said...

Yes, the mid terms look not so good at the moment. And there is no tomorrow after.

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