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Anime is just about to get real again.
It's now universally admitted that Donald Trump's presidency is an abject failure -- at least among anyone whose brains haven't been eaten by MAGA maggots. 

No wall, no end to chain migration, no clamp down on sanctuary cities, Democrats poised to retake Congress, and the appointment of pointless warmonger John Bolton as Israeli ambassador to the US chief US security adviser.

Now is the time to look beyond Trump to any candidate who can take up the torch that voters handed Trump and which he dropped. Admittedly, as media circus, he is a hard act to follow, but one woman clearly has what it takes -- namely political pundit Ann Coulter. 

According to the Washington Examiner, it all makes perfect sense:
Concerns that President Trump is going soft on his campaign promise to fight illegal immigration are sparking a new call for hardline columnist Ann Coulter jump into the 2020 race for president, if only to steer him back to his 2016 agenda.

The call for Coulter to run for president went public this week when a leading immigration voice blogged a memo to supporters that said Coulter “would be our best bet to pressure Trump to stop breaking his campaign promises in the remainder of his term.”

William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, noted Coulter’s concerns about Trump’s policies and said she should do more than just speak out against them.

“If Coulter truly believes Trump's failure to deliver on his Make America Great Again promises means the end of America, shouldn't she run in a last-ditch effort to save our nation from the perils she perceives and describes?” wrote Gheen.
Coulter hasn't yet responded to such calls, but, let's face it, if this ball gets rolling, why should anyone stick with Trump? The guy clearly has drawbacks and Coulter is more hard-line on the issues that concern real Americans, like deporting DACA schemers, protecting the borders, and avoiding military shitshows in the Middle East.

Also, as a woman, she would also be much harder for the media to attack. Just look at Europe where shitty women politicians are allowed to stay in power no matter how much they fuck up, and of course, Ann would never fuck up or betray the voters the way Trump has.

It's becoming clear that "ANN COULTER 2020" has Destiny written all over it.


ChanChanRight said...

she is certainly not the perfect candidate, but she already has all the media visibility she would need, and she could raise money via small donations...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This would juast split the vote and hand the democrats the whitehouse, best to save this for 2024

Anonymous said...

2024 will be to late...

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