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Those anti-gun protesters really care about you, don't they? I mean the only reason they are taking to the streets and trying to take away your guns is sheer love for all humanity, rite? 

Erm...maybe not. 

One day after his activist group participated in the anti-gun "March For Our Lives" rally, Al Sharpton’s brother Kenneth Glasgow of Dothan, Alabama, has been charged with murder in a fatal shooting.  
Dothan police said that Rev. Kenneth Glasgow was the driver in a car linked to the murder of 23-year-old Breunia Jennings of Dothan by passenger Jamie Townes, 26.

Dothan Police Chief Steve Parrish said that Glasgow and Townes allegedly searched for Jennings, who they believe had stolen Townes’ car. When they found her, Townes allegedly shot Jennings as she drove, hitting her in the head. She died later.

While police do not believe Glasgow, 52, was the triggerman, under Alabama’s aiding and abetting law, he is is culpable for murder.
Nice! I mean, top prize for timing at least. 

But what exactly was this upstanding citizen and peace activist doing driving around shooting ho's in the hood for?
Glasgow and friend.
Basically Glasgow is an ex-convict, who realised, once he got out of jail, that calling himself a "minister," guilting Whiteys, and getting on the donation and grant money bandwagon was a far better way to get rich than hold-ups or muggings or whatever shit got his Black ass in jail in the first place. 

The example of half-brother Al was no doubt an inspiration. Accordingly, he set up a ministry called The Ordinary People Society and played the part of the reformed criminal. 

The money started rolling in, as community organising brought in the donations, grants, and so on. 

His group participated in the local anti-gun march in Dothan on Saturday. No doubt they had certain "expenses" that were taken care of by somebody. 

The fact is that this massive astroturfed anti-gun lobby is a gravy train, for those like David Hogg, the lying student at the head of it all, as well as for those "community leaders," like Glasgow, who can swell a protest by putting a few bodies on the street.

Funny how he helped put yet another body on the street the very next day -- a dead one. 

But it gets even better. In 2013, Glasgow teamed up with his brother Sharpton to protest the murder of Trayvon Martin in Florida. 

Yes, he literally hated guns so much and cared about "Black Lives" so passionately that he helped shoot dead a young Black woman one day after "March for Our Lives."

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