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What should have happened.
If Karl Marx had fucked Friedrich Engels' wife -- or vice versa -- there would literally be no such thing as Communism today. And that was a party that actually believed in sharing each other's wives, at least from an ideological standpoint!!!

What, then, are we to make of the scandal rocking the Traditionalist Workers' Party, which sells itself to its small, hardcore White nationalist following with the FFF slogan "Faith, Folk, and Family"? 

According to police reports, Party leader Matthew Heimbach has added at least two 'F's and a 'Ph' to the slogan by Philandering, Fucking, and Fighting, and not just with anyone, but the Party's number two man Matt Parrott.

Heimbach has been arrested after an illicit love affair with Parrott's wife led Heimbach to physically assault Parrott, the Party's spokesman and chief intellectual.

Wait a minute, shouldn't that be the other way round?!!

In an additional twist, the Party's website is also down, suggesting sabotage, rather than the usual suppression and deplatforming that Alt-Right sites face thanks to the antics of (((Andrew Anglin))) and Richard Spencer.

The details of the Parrott-Heimbach case reads like a soap opera that has just "jumped the shark," or even a 17th-century Jacobean tragicomedy. 

Not surprisingly the SPLC, is the main source for the details of this absurd case:

The strange incident began just after 1 a.m. Tuesday, when Matt Parrott, 36, called police from a Walmart near his home. He fled to the Walmart with his step-daughter after a violent confrontation with Heimbach.

The step-daughter told police that Heimbach and Parrott’s wife had been having an affair for three months. Heimbach and Parrott’s wife said the fling had ended.

The step-daughter and Parrott’s wife tried to set up Heimbach to see if he would continue the affair after saying it was over, police said in a report.

During the set up at Parrott’s Paoli trailer home, Matthew Parrott and his step-daughter waited outside, standing on a box and watching through a window, police said.

A confrontation ensued between Heimbach and Matt Parrott. Parrott told police Heimbach twisted him down to the ground, then “choked [him] out.”

“He grabbed and injured my hand after I poked his chest then choked me out with his arm,” Parrott said in a handwritten statement to police. “Then he chased me to my home and did it again.”

After police arrived, the responding officer overheard a verbal confrontation between Heimbach and his wife, followed by a “scuffle,” the report states. Heimbach’s wife said her husband kicked a wall, grabbed her face “and threw me with the hand on my face onto the bed.”

OK, you might need a flow chart by now, but one thing is clear from this, namsly that the Traditionalist Workers's Party will have great difficulty continuing in its present form, as the party was essentially the result of the combined efforts of Parrott and Heimbach.

Also, there is high possibility of Heimbach going to jail:

The latest arrest puts Heimbach in jeopardy of going to jail for a prior incident.

Heimbach pleaded guilty in July 2017 to disorderly conduct in the assault of a protester at a 2016 campaign event for Donald Trump in Louisville, Kentucky.

''Heimbach was fined $145 and sentenced to 90 days in jail after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct, a lesser charge. District Court Judge Stephanie Pearce Burke suspended the jail time so long as Heimbach avoids being charged with another offense in the next two years.''

A probation hearing for Heimbach is set in Kentucky on June 1.

But fear not. As with the doxxing scandal that brought down TRS in early 2017 by revealing that (((Mike Enoch))) was a Jew seeking to discredit White nationalism, Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents fame and the movement's leading "cat lady," has stepped up to white knight for the now discredited group. 

Throwing his hat into the ring, Johnson tweeted:
Despite being a soulless atheist, Johnson would be the perfect person to take over control of the strongly Christian nationalist party, as he has no wife to tempt Matt Heimbach into carnal debauchery and cause the kind of moral complications that have blown the party apart. 


Afterthought said...

Johnson has a lot of potential, just like Count Fenring.

The sleeper must awaken.

ChanChanRight said...

the drama will just draw more people into the alt-right/white nationalism

Colin Liddell said...

Agree, as I said here...

ChanChanRight said...

yeah, I have seen you say that before...we see it on youtube...drama sells...viewers/onlookers get pulled into the personal drama unfolding...some youtubers get wealthy off it...all this about the ideas and the jews and the optics and etc etc...just go out and communicate and form communities and put forth personalities and leaders and people will follow...but we need a really good economic downturn to make the next leap

ia said...

One of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Maybe there's tragedy here but in order to have that you gotta have a great man fall. Are these great men?

Anonymous said...

This news site should investigate what a lot of us want to know: WHERE IS HEIMBACH HIDING? Somebody needs to answer that, and send someone to that compound to see if he's still there. Probably not, since it's Parrott's property. What's the scoop, doops?

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