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In what might be a possible case of mistaken identity, a speaking event by mild-mannered and largely ineffectual YouTube vlogger Sargon of Akkad was shut down by so-called "antifa." 

The masked goons stormed the event, hosted by King's College London's Libertarian Society, and disrupted it by setting off smoke bombs and triggering the fire alarm.

The fact that a speech by Sargon, a self-described "classical liberal" who was being hosted by the Libertarian Society, was attacked under the excuse of being a "Nazi" revealed the degree to which freedom of speech has been eroded at UK universities.

The Libertarian Society, while big on words, was small on actions. Instead of actually doing something -- like, say, switching off the fire alarm, letting the smoke clear, and continuing -- it merely issued some empty words to the press through a spokesman:
"We will continue to pursue our goal of resisting any threats to freedom of speech...The event has now been cancelled and evacuated after threats to the moderator. Speech, no matter how controversial, should never be met with violence."
The Metropolitan Police arrived too late to arrest anyone after carefully removing the thumbs that had somehow become embedded in their arses.

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