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Just a day after gay Hitler Youth fan Greg Johnson was arrested and kicked out of Norway, yet more evidence that the Alt-Right was led to its destruction by moronic leadership has emerged. 

This time it's from its erstwhile "Fuhrer" Richard Spencer, whose hobbies include beating up pregnant women and accusing other men of fathering his children.

The latest revelation comes courtesy of washed-up, gay Irish Alt-Liter Milo Yiannopoulos, who has just dropped an audio recording of Spencer going into full Hitler mode in the aftermath of Charlottesville.

Charlottesville, of course, was the incident in 2017, where a "Unite the Right" meeting was shut down by state police, city authorities, and antifa working in collusion.

While anger was a justified response to this outrage, Spencer reacts by screaming the K-word, how his presumably Egyptian ancestors "enslaved" the Jews, how he is the "ruler of the World" (LOL), as well as other retarded Daily Stormer talking points.

Transcription of Spencer's rant:

We are coming back here like a hundred fucking times. I am so mad. I am so fucking mad at these people. They don’t do this to fucking me. We are going to fucking ritualistically humiliate them. I am coming back here every fucking weekend if I have to. Like this is never over. I win! They fucking lose! That’s how the world fucking works.

Little fucking k*kes. They get ruled by people like me. Little fucking octoroons ... I fucking ... my ancestors fucking enslaved those little pieces of fucking shit. I rule the fucking world. Those pieces of fucking shit get ruled by people like me. They look up and see a face like mine looking down at them. That’s how the fucking world works. We are going to destroy this fucking town.

This completely backs up what Unite the Right organiser Jason Kessler said in a video released last year, which we reported on here, as well as the recent claims made by "Samantha," an ex-Alt-Right groupie, as reported by ABC News:

Samantha recalled one occasion in which she participated in the Nazi salute.

"I remember I was at a party, it was at some group's house, and, you know, in walks one of the leaders of movement and someone shouted for everyone to be quiet," she said. "He said 'Sieg.' Pretty much everyone raised their hand and said 'Heil.' It happened one or two times, and then, by the third time, I did it."

"I knew it was wrong," she continued. "I remember being really apprehensive in the sense of…it was not a good look. But I did it. Everyone else was doing it."

Samantha said she wanted to feel like she belonged so badly.

This is the reason why sane and moral supporters of nationalism and demographic stability have all abandoned the toxic Alt-Right label, and why a new movement is forming that will be shorn of retarded Nazi excesses and emotionally incontinent trust fund babies like Spencer. Indeed, in this rant he sounds more like a spoilt little brat who needs his diapers changed than anything like a leader.

In related news, Spencer's ex-wife Nina Kouprianova who accused him of beating her when she was pregnant, was reminiscing about their relationship in a public post on Facebook:

As I left my old un-home one last time, I walked past another apartment building where I once lived. I recalled being pinned down there and having my head smashed into the floor over and over again next to a hallway vent. I felt tremendously ashamed about the fact that the neighbors might hear this incident. I had a headache for days after this other assault—a concussion, perhaps. When I realized that there are four different homes in this town where I’ve been physically attacked, including pregnancies, I let out a nervous laugh. This is insane! By pure synchronicity, prog gods Amorphis came up in my music mix: “I came home to a bleak room of sorrow. Forsaken house, place of grief…”

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