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The Western media is in overdrive right now, reporting on some minor local council elections in Hong Kong. 

The consensus seems to be that the elections are merely the harbinger of a Democratic Revolution that will sweep China's "commi-fash" tyrants from power, and welcome in an era of multiculturalism, transsexualism, and all the other "blessings" of Western degeneracy.

Here is the BBC, who sadly couldn't get any pictures of "based" Black Hong Kongers leading the demonstrators:

Here is CNN. Unfortunately they were unable to find a drag queen making an impassioned speech to council voters so had to settle for this boring shot: 

Here is the Wall Street Journal. Luckily they managed to get a nice shot of an aspiring young business leader:

"Newsman" Dan Rather was one of many celebrities "signalling" hard on Twitter about how important this all is:

Except it isn't. 

These elections will have few immediate political consequences in Hong Kong. This is because the councils have extremely limited powers, tiny budgets, and are restricted to hyper-local issues such as parks, bus stops, waste collection, and cleaning public toilets.

This is simply a protest vote because Hong Kongers are stressed out by their workaholic lifestyles, tiny expensive apartments, and not having any control over their lives. Also, they forgot to have the 1960s and they are clearly trying to catch up before they are fully incorporated into China. There's clearly an element of the "madness of crowds" here, something which always has a limited lifespan.

This so-called protest movement is a one part escapism and one part forlorn hope that "muh democracy" will improve things. The sad fact is it won't, and China is not going to let them have it anyway. 

In short, the media is just wasting your time by getting you excited about this story, probably because they don't want you to be paying too much attention to the political processes in your own countries, where you actually have the power to do something and make things awkward for your own ruling elites.

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