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A border is not a border, and a country is not a county unless someone is prepared to defend it. 

Following Turkish President Recep Erdogan's insane decision to unleash millions of migrants on Europe's borders, Greek and Bulgarian border guards have been violently attacked by mobs of migrant invaders. In one case at least they have resorted to justified lethal force in order to defend themselves and repel the invaders. 

In an incident on the Greek border, a Muslim man was apparently shot dead with a bullet that either went through his neck or entered his mouth. Jenan Moussa, a journalist working for Al-Aan TV in Dubai, tweeted:

"This is the first reported death among immigrants trying to cross the border from Turkey to Greece. A Syrian man was shot by Greek border guards. Here is the video."

BBC journalist Mughira Al Sharif has confirmed this, even giving the invader's name:

“The Syrian refugee Ahmed Abu Emad, from Aleppo, was killed today by Greek border guards as he tried to enter Greece with hundreds of refugees. He was shot in the throat near Ipsala at 9:07 am."

Yes, this is terrible. Maybe someone needs to do something to remove that madman Erdogan from power.

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