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The US Government is covering up the fact that Feminism and "anti-male sexism" is destroying the navy. |
You may already have forgotten the crash of the USS Fitzgerald, a $1.5 billion dollar US Navy ship loaded with all the latest navigation technology, that mysteriously crashed into a giant Filipino container ship in the Pacific Ocean, south of Japan, last year. But it was a massive one.
Seven were killed, dozens injured, and some bananas on their way to Japan were probably delayed. As for the US ship, that was basically totalled, with repair costs now estimated at around half-a-billion dollars!
At the time, because of the mealy mouthed way that the Fake News Media were reporting on the accident, we at TRAD NEWS immediately suspected that this was a serious "diversity malfunction."
Here we are calling this out last June:
Let's stop beating around the bush and instead focus on the most likely cause of maritime mayhem in the modern US navy, namely the old bugbear of "diversity" and the organisation's well-known policies of fast-tracking women and minorities.
Remember, the military services in the US don't merely exist to defend the country against its enemies and carry out globalist wars/ They are also a handy tool to remind the very divided United States of America how "united" they are -- or should be.
Accordingly, a search for crew shots of the USS Fitzgerald, suggests that the ship was in fact being used as something of an "affirmative action" guinea pig and showboat.
Well, once again, it looks like we were spot on, as, over a year later (which is a real scandal), details are starting to leak out.
According to a piece at The Other McCain blog, at the time of the accident both the Officer on Deck, the actual person in direct control of the ship, and the Tactical Action Officer, the person in direct control of the ship's surveillance equipment, were both -- yes, you guessed it -- ladies! As yet, their races have not been revealed.
What's more the two ladies had apparently been having a bit of a "tiff" and were not speaking to each other. These revelations are based on an anonymous email sent to The Other McCain supplemented by a bit of digging:
Not until a year later, when the final reports are made public and the guilty parties have been court-martialed, does the truth come out. The OOD was named Sarah, and the Tactical Action Officer was named Natalie, and they weren’t speaking to each other!!! The Tactical Action Officer would normally be in near constant communication with the OOD, but there is no record of any communication between them that entire shift!
Another fun fact: In the Navy that won WWII, the damage control officers were usually some of the biggest and strongest men aboard, able to close hatches, shore up damaged areas with timbers, etc. The Fitz’s damage control officer was also a woman, and she never left the bridge. She handled the aftermath of the accident remotely, without lifting a finger herself!
Look it up: The OOD was Sarah Coppock, Tactical Action Officer was Natalie Combs. . . .
As The Other McCain points out, it looks like the US Navy -- and in fact the whole military establishment -- has been lowering discipline and training standards to accelerate “gender integration,” a major policy push at the Pentagon during the Obama administration.
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Watch out America's enemies! These trained killers could give you a very nasty cuddle...and then accuse you of rape in the morning. |
This inability to compartmentalise emotions is definitely what seems to have happened here, with the petty emotions between the two female officers effectively causing seven deaths and wrecking the US Navy's budget for the year. But just saying this will now have you denounced for "hate speech" and "bigotry," revealing how mad and diseased our society has become.
Now it seems that a lot of high-ranking US Navy officers are involved in a massive operation to shut off the bulkheads and stop the flooding that will capsize the US Navy's most prized vessel the "USS Diversity," a fantasy ship that is badly holed below the waterline by this major "diversity malfunction."
Nice info. We are witnessing the collapse of Rome. Any white male with any iota of common sense should withdraw from participating in any government or corporate structures. All the money you make, and the fat pension you might get, is not worth the backstabbing politics, the demonization of being a white male, the total lack of innovation and fun that used to be had, and the potential workplace disasters. The U.S. armed forces are already infiltrated with plenty of Latino gangs, besides the low intellect Negros, the lust-driven homosexuals and the women who should be at home with our children (instead of causing disasters in the hundreds of millions of dollars). Who's afraid of Muslim terrorists when it's our own women who are doing the mass destruction?
well, I have a gubmint job, and I agree--diversity is to blame...I have that job because it pays well...I need to make monies...but it is true that white males should spend as little as possible..never give the system any funds that you do not have to give it..
Okay Shlomo will do, let me just withdrawal from life and let petty officer Jackson and mendez shit up our armed forces wgilw I sit and be a NEET. That'll surely save my homeland
You are operating from the mindset that there is a "homeland" left "to save." Most alt-Righters understand that the American project is finished. We need to begin building ethno-states already. Projects are beginning in Washington state, northern Arkansas and eastern Tennessee.
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