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Alternative for Germany parliamentary leader Alice Weidel
next to a failed meme designed to cuck German people.
The moderate nationalist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) has now surpassed the Social Democrats to become the 2nd most popular party in Germany according to the latest opinion poll conducted by the INSA polling center for the German Bild daily newspaper.

The poll put the extremist-globalist Christian Democratic Union (CDU) on 32% with the AfD on 16%, half a point above the extremist-left SPD on 15.5%. In the post-war period the SPD had been in power for a total of 20 of the last 50 years. 

The popularity of the AfD has been creeping up in recent weeks, with polls consistently putting them on 14 percent or above.

The growing success of the AfD is of course linked to the growing disaster caused by Angela Merkel's extremist immigration policies, including her insane decision to allow a flood of migrants into the country in 2015. Although it is also possible that this may have been done for cynical political reasons, in order to drive the UK out of the EU and thus ensure German dominance of the trading bloc.

But the rise of the AfD also reveals the sharply diminishing power of the "Nazi" memes employed by the globalist-controlled German media and toxically internationalist establishment to cow the average German voter and push dysgenic and genocidal policies on them.

Ten or even five years ago, it was possible to easily shut up nationalists and concerned citizens worried about their country being turned into a Third World slum simply by accusing them of "Naziism." But now, thanks to a constant metapolitical onslaught by the Alt-Right, that trick is starting to wear thin. 

Every percentage point rise in the opinion polls for the AfD shows that this strategy has now failed and that the days of the German people being cucked out of their own future and very existence by the N-word are coming to an end.

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