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You are forced daily to endure an entire system telling you explicitly that you are worthless, to see images designed to denigrate you, to marginalize you, to make your presence in the lands your ancestors built seem arbitrary and insignificant. You cannot go anywhere without seeing images of your lands, your women, your history, your culture being defiled by hostile foreign races who, in order to bleed your future dry, cloak themselves deceitfully in the noble ideals and traditions, which your people developed for your benefit. There is no escape from the propaganda and there is no escape from the reality of the situation. You are fucking pissed.

You are fucking pissed, and you want to do something about it. This is great. This is exactly why we are all here: we want you to do something. But you need to do the right things. You need to consider at all times what effect your actions will take on the movement, what effect your actions will take on your freedom, what effect your actions will take on your ability to contribute to our race in the future, and whether or not your actions are the greatest use of your talents. If you do these things honestly, you will inevitably conclude that it is always a wise move to stay away from lunacy (like obscenity, it doesn’t need to be defined: you just know it when you see it) and those who encourage violence. And, yes, I have read Siege too. It is a great book and, like you, I know that most of those who have turned it into a meme have not read it. I will never disavow it nor discourage anyone from reading it but, at the same time, I understand that those who mock it are often doing so to help you. The meme is not about the book, it is about keeping you safe and effective.

I also know that some of those who push this meme are harmful to the movement. Not all are doing this in good faith. Many of these people are the same ones who push the noxious “56%” meme and other ironic bullshit. They believe in nothing. They are damaged goods. They are victims of this sick system that we want to replace. You should pity them and just hope that their lives turn out okay. And you should take more than a small amount of pride in the fact that you, at such a young age, are wise enough to know that they are damaged. But they are not always wrong. Whites like consistency. We hate hypocrisy and ambiguity. It is therefore typical of us to pick sides and reject reflexively everything that comes from those we have determined to be our enemies. But it is important in metapolitics–and in life in general–to appreciate nuance and to treat the world of ideas as a buffet, picking and choosing what is good and healthy and leaving what is unappetizing to be consumed only by pigs.


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