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British diplomats have fallen a long way since the days of Lord Palmerston, when their main job was to dress meticulously and march fearlessly into the courts of foreign potentates to tell them when the gunboats would arrive if Her Majesty's demands were not met in full.  

Now the modern UK diplomat is more likely to be a woman with purple hair and tattoos, who conducts herself with all the decorum and gravity of someone on a Club 18-30 holiday. 

She may also get raped and then disposed of like a used condom by a swarthy Uber driver. 

This is what happened to Rebecca Dykes, a 30-year-old, working at the British embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. No doubt this youngish, single woman was sent to this dangerous Middle Eastern capital as an act of deliberate policy by the British government to push its crappy agenda of "sexual equality," because "women are just as good as men"â„¢.

Posted there in January, she was due to fly home for the Christmas holidays on the 17th of December. But despite being in a dangerous Middle Eastern war zone, where the idea of raping a White women is a common male fantasy, Dykes decided to go out boozing with friends the night before, dressed in a mini skirt. 

Way to show what a liberated, modern woman you are!

Not surprisingly she was last seen getting into an Uber "taxi" around midnight, and later discovered dead with a rope around her neck and her clothing torn off. She had been raped and murdered by 29-year-old Uber driver Tarek Hawchieh, who had been working as a driver for only 10 days.

A Lebanese police source said:

"He said he found her pretty, wearing a short skirt…and so he decided to rape her as it would be easy as she was a foreigner."
Uber and out, killer Hawchieh
Hawchieh, who appears to be a Lebanese Christian, had been allowed to become an Uber driver despite having served two previous prison sentences. 

Newspaper reports describe the killer as a 'troubled individual' with a drug habit, money problems, and a pregnant Ethiopian wife, currently in prison for visa violations. He was also reported as having posted a picture of himself on Facebook performing a sex act with a fish. 

A statement from the family of the dead women leaned heavily on the usual cliches, describing her as:

"...genuine, generous, and loving, as anyone who knew her would agree. She was intelligent, ambitious, and dedicated to her work. Becky had a love of travelling, and was passionate about helping people. She always wanted to make the world a better place."

Sadly it is not yet clear how being treated like a piece of disposable fuck meat by an unvetted Uber driver will improve the quality of the planet. One thing is sure, however, Britain's diplomatic standing will not be particularly burnished by this sad, tawdry little incident.

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