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Mr Hefner was also known for his "racist" taste in Nordic women. |
Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy magazine and an actual playboy himself, has died. The first thing to comment on is the fact that everybody in the World already knows this.
The "news" here is that this is such big news.
Probably Bill Clinton. Donald Trump, or even Kim Jong Un could kick the bucket right about now and it would be less noticed and definitely less reported on.
Funny, eh?
After all, this is just a guy who came up with a classy format for a mid-20th century wank mag that was superseded by the 1970s. So, really, WTF? What's all the fuss about?
I guess most of it boils down to Hefner's iconic status as a guy that got to bang as many good looking chicks as he wanted for most of his life.

I guess the difference here is that they also did other stuff -- cool albums, interesting films, or getting their brains splattered all over Dealy Plaza, for instance. Stuff that kind of gets in the way of being remembered solely as a stud.
Not so Hefner. He was just a guy who shagged loads of top tottie, and didn't have to justify it in any way by being particularly creative, talented, or powerful, like Mick Jagger or JFK.
In short, "Hef" represents the male fantasy of striking it lucky -- being in the right place at the right time and coming up with a simple idea that catches on. Nothing difficult about that. Perhaps the only drop of creativity he had was to come up with the idea of dressing young women as Bunny Rabbits. But it seems even that had been done before.
Oh yeh, a lot of people are going on about what a degenerate he was. That's kind of true in a cultural and social sense, as he helped promote shagging as recreation rather than procreation. But on the individual level he wasn't a degenerate, as he actually had more than 2.1 kids. In fact, he had four. But then everybody of that generation could and did.
Anyway, mister pipe-smoking, pajama-clad playboy, see which club you get into in the afterlife.
Alot of the Beer seats dwellers of the alt- Right say it meant Nothing. "I'll be glad when you dead- you bastard you". "Strike his name from the book of life'. I think that's good. Happy to be among them. The Media people try thier hardest to make it mean something.
It's hard to talk to the alt-Right/New Right media people about it. I am just regular white traditional right. and not "trad" in the way the Alt-Right describes it. There is no 'alt" about me. the "alts" of the world took over these last 60-70 years (longer in Europe Russia- and the French and "Meds' have always been different- read the Three musketeers) or so and I think they are a harmful pain in the ass. Because so many leaders of the alt-Right/New right are either current or former members of his profession -and it's peripheral industries and/or consumers of such. Giant fans and promoters of it and what it represents. Or what they think it represents. Sometimes promoting it in the form of a debate or in the form of pretending to disapprove. Or, to be fair- actually disapproving but inadvertently creating the very loss of innocence it wants to preserve by calling attention to something that would not be in normal people's conscientiousness or knowledge. Because it helps to "normalize' and "introduce" people to things that otherwise the healthy normal, brain does not think or know about. Once in a brain it's hard to get it back out again. It quietly steals the mind and soul into the underworld without the person even realizing it. and soon- a whole chunk of society has developed scar tissue and wrongly guided thinking. And thinking often ends up as doing.
While the alt-Right spends inordinate amounts of time blaming and shaming the females of the world ( or the jews- or the blacks) for all it's troubles and the disintegration of The Patriarchy and its Honor and good Order in society. While condemning the "Puritans".
The alt-Right is schizophrenic and wishy washy becuase it holds up or celebrates various other kinds of social phenomenon that arose or became major influences in society that directly did more to dissolve the Patriarchy, shoot up the divorce rates,lower birth rates, destory and /or greatly weaken the Western World and Western Man and Woman and Family and social structure than the any Feminist movement ever did or could.
I saw on an Alt-Right sight where one of Manosherian gurus and "authority" a photo of Playboy and James Bond as being "Hetero-normative". A lot of gay and Leftist lingo used in
the alt- right too. Yet those two influences did more to harm the Men in the Western world than almost any others. Neither James Bond or Playboy are "hetero-normative". Not even close.
But we- as a society have been drawn so far into the Underworld that we have lost the Light.and it's warmth. and even forgotten what it looks like. We paid the price and are still paying it.
I dont approve of importing or normalizing, glorifying and amplifying Homosexual,Marxist, Brothel, certain kinds of Kaballah Jewish,Oriental,Near Eastern,or African or even Mediterranean "values" on North Western European Man. It has had disastrous consequences and has weakened him, his children and his family.
That is what the whole thing means. that is what he did. and Men and boys went right along with it. and women believed that to be important and loved and wanted she must become a bunny and not a Mother or a "good girl".
He made Western Man weak and stupid. Strength has nothing to do with muscles and fighting and sex. Everything to do with inner strength. The rest is irrelvant without it. But his crap was presented as the opposite- strong - manly. That is what the Devil does.
I dont want to promote this bastard in any way- whose name I won't mention becuase I have already stricken his name from my memory.. And I did promote just by commenting.
I would like to belive his death mean the end of an era that is hate more very day. But sadly I think it's only the beginning. The Alt rightosphere and Manoshepre and what ever- believes it is the antidote to the 60's but it is a continuation and amplification of it.
I wish that was not so.
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