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Most people still don't know the heroic story of Deir ez-Zor, a garrison in the Eastern part of Syria cut off and surrounded by ISIS forces for several years, with hundreds of kilometers of ISIS held desert and mountains separating it from the forces of President Assad in the West of the country.

In recent weeks, however, that distance has noticeably shrunk. Here is a war map of Syria from January this year.

Notice the town of Deir ez-Zor, a pink dot isolated by a sea of ISIS grey with enormous distances separating it from the main Assad forces in the West. 

Now have a look at the latest war map.

What a difference!

Now the forces loyal to President Assad, and supported by Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah, have pushed East, conquering vast swathes of territory and have now reached the point where the besieged garrison can now reportedly hear the forces fighting to relieve the town.

It is clearly only a matter of days until Deir ez-Zor is relieved, an event that will mark the collapse of ISIS's whole position in the East of the country and the overthrow of the self-proclaimed Caliphate. 

This event will change the entire psychology of the war, boosting the confidence of the Assad forces and demoralizing ISIS, who will be chased into ever remoter locations and will struggle to continue the fight as guerrillas. It means that peace and the reunification of the broken country are not far away.

Anything that promises to lead to the end of the long-running Syrian civil war is certainly to be welcomed by the Alt-Right as it brings closer the day when Syria's refugees can finally be repatriated to rebuild their shattered country. 

Hail victory! Hail Assad!

1 comment

lyovmyshkin said...

Assad has become a genuine hero of mine. Imagine the bravery and courage it took from him -- and his people and army of course -- to stay with his people and fight these CIA funded monsters.

God bless Assad, his beautiful family and his people.

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