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President Trump has finally lost the plot it seems after it emerged that his position on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) has softened like a boomer dick without viagra. 

In a series of Tweets, Trump admitted that he was looking to do a deal with Democrat leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer that would basically give an amnesty to the 800,000 illegal immigrants who came to America as children and were protected by Obama's 2012 executive order. In return for this, Trump has apparently been fobbed off with vague promises on border security.

This move will basically mean boosting the opposition vote by 800,000 as almost all the DACA migrants will vote Democrat, but even worse than that it is a major "F**k you!" aimed right at Trump's voting base. 

While the Dems gain 800,000 new voters, there is no way of knowing how many Trump voters who supported him because of hard-line statements on immigration will now be disillusioned and not bother voting in subsequent elections. 

This one move has the power to not only cause Republican defeats next year, but will also ensure that Trump loses the 2020 election to whoever the Democrats put up. As such, it will go down as the biggest act of political suicide in history since Adolf Hitler invaded the Soviet Union and then declared war on America.

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