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The saga of the Daily Stormer and its publisher Andrew Anglin just keeps getting weirder and weirder. After the Stormer was thrown off the internet and forced to exist only on the Dark Web, Anglin is now at the center of a storm over free speech on Gab, the remaining social media platform, where he is still able to reach his fans and followers on the normal internet. 

Gab likes to market itself as the "free speech" alternative to Twitter, but this selling point is now in jeopardy after Gab demanded Anglin remove a joke he posted about the SJW woman who was killed in Charlottesville. 

The joke, which was not particularly shocking and only mildly funny, referred to the difference between the woman's social media profile picture, used in stories about her death, and an image of the accident that showed her to be a much heavier individual. 

Andrew Torba, the CEO of Gab, initially claimed that the joke, which also got Emily Youcis kicked off Twitter, clashed with Gab's "terms of service." This was clearly ludicrous for a platform that sells itself as guaranteeing free speech. After this narrative was shot down in flames, Torba admitted that he had been pressured into it by the site's registrar company, AsianRegistry. Who pressured them is not known.

In a blog article he wrote at Medium, Torba explained how AsianRegistry approached him:
"A few days later we heard back, only this time it was from AsianRegistry’s legal team. They noted that they had received a 'formal complaint' about content posted on Gab. They cited the individual link in question and told us that we had 48 hours to remove 'any images that are in violation of their policies.' We then proceeded to read their guidelines to determine what violation could have occurred with the post they cited."
Right now Gab is under threat of having to go against its commitment to free speech -- up to and including obnoxious jokes about dead fatties -- or lose their domain.

The most suspicious thing about this for me is the fact that the establishment is not taking a more direct route to bring Anglin down, as they clearly seem to wish to do so. 

From their actions against the Daily Stormer, which included relentless coordinated action across the globe to sweep this "performance art" troll site from the internet, and now the pressure to clamp down on Anglin on his last remaining social media outlet, it would appear that they hate him with a vengeance. But if that is the case, why don't they just "bump him off" Seth Rich style or have him arrested on cooked up charges?

I don't think there is anybody reading this who thinks that the establishment/ ruling elites/ Deep State  are not capable of doing either action. But if so, what is stopping them? Both of these options would be a lot cheaper and neater than chasing Anglin all over the internet, setting new precedents in clamping down on online free speech in the process...unless that was always meant to be the purpose!

"They" are more than capable of removing this one "troublesome troll." But oddly they benignly choose not do so. Instead we just see case after case of tech companies trashing the internet and its founding principles of free expression, all because of some rather mild fattie joke about a dead woman. 

This sure smells fishy to me!

1 comment

PropagandistHacker said...

"Torba admitted that he had been pressured into it by the site's registrar company, AsianRegistry. Who pressured them is not known."

Most likely asianregistry is simply looking to get some favorable media publicity...they know that the media is out to squelch white populist sites, and so they are giving the media what they want...in hopes of media PR...and maybe asianregistry is not doing too well right now...maybe they are desperate for something to boost their profile...who knows?

And the same motivations are behind this whole little farce--the media gets its money from ads bought by corporations...the more money the corporations make, the more money the media makes...if we get into another big recession, the corporate purchases of ads will hurt the media bad...this ponzi economy is like a shark that must keep moving to keep alive...global capitalism is using mass immigration to keep the ponzi economy out of recession...and immigration boosts consumer demand...which is 80% of the economy...white populism like daily stormer threatens immigration....
just follow the $$...always

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