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RETIRED ARTICLE (too Alt-Right friendly. Also dated.)

Since he broke up with Miss Piggy, Kermit has put on the pounds.  

Following the news that Pepe the Frog creator Matt Furie is suing members of the Alt-Right who, he claims, "hijacked his friendly amphibian for hateful memes," it seems that Furie himself is being sued by none other than Kermit the Frog, the puppet star of the Muppets, who is pissed that Furie ripped off his original idea of a cheerful, happy anthropomorphic frog in the first place.

Furie is justifiably upset that his half-assed cartoon character has been co-opted by much more talented people than himself and made into something both viral and funny, because it reveals just how talentless he is. 

Matt Furry (centre) with other furies.
To save his shattered pride, he has named some of these much more talented people in "cease-and-desist" notices he has sent out. They include multiple "alt-right" and "alt-lite" personalities, including Mike Cernovich, Baked Alaska, Richard Spencer, and Reddit's r/the_Donald community.

But if Furie is furious, then Kermit the Frog is hopping mad that such a talentless loser took the central, heart-warming idea that he had pioneered in the 1970s and turned it into the kind of character that an elderly pedophile might use to lure innocent children near his bath chair.

Because of this Kermit's high-powered legal team -- basically Vox Day -- is determined to sue Furie till he is homeless, and make sure that he never dares to think about a frog again, let alone draw one.

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