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In the USA Liberals have created so-called "sanctuary cities," deluding themselves that they are somehow helping the poor and downtrodden. What they have in fact created are "rapist magents," where rootless and resentful migrants, many of them with criminal records, gang ties, and unresolved sexual issues are encouraged to congregate and mix with naive and trusting White liberals. The inevitable result is that someone gets raped. 

Portland, Oregon, is notorious as one of the most dedicated sanctuary cities, but now the city has come under criticism after a migrant who had been deported 20 times and was being protected from immigration authorities savagely raped two women. 

According to Fox News:
"[Sergio] Martinez is now being held without bail on charges of robbery, kidnapping and sexual abuse. One of his alleged victims is a 65-year-old woman who was brutally attacked in her home. The other woman was attacked in her apartment’s parking garage. Both attacks occurred last Monday. Martinez has reportedly told Portland police he is a meth addict. He has been homeless in Portland for the past year. Portland is widely known as a safe haven for illegal immigrants – no matter how many times they have been deported. The city and Multnomah County and even the state legislature – all run by Democrats – have passed law declaring themselves a sanctuary for people in the country illegally."
Interviewed on "Fox & Friends"  the state's GOP chairman Bill Currier said that Martinez was detained in December but then released, and should not have been in the country a week ago when the two women were scarred for life by their horrendous experience.

"He was given preferential treatment,” said Currier. “Essentially in Oregon, our governor and the mayor of Portland, Ted Wheeler, have created a protected class for illegal aliens that commit serious crimes."
Now, Portland City Council, after enabling two rapes and giving $50,000 to launch a project aimed at helping immigrants fight deportation, will have the dubious "honour" of paying for Martinez's legal defence. 

While "sanctuary cities" hide criminals and rapists from deportation they also facilitate rape of illegals themselves. By encouraging a massive flow of illegal migrants they directly place millions of migrants in the hands of smuggling gangs, with the result that many young women without legal permission to be in the United States become victims of rape and are coerced into prostitution. 

According to Fusion:
"Women and girls from Central America now expect rape on their way north to the United States—it’s just another step along the path to American dream. Some women even take birth control beforehand-- one migrant youth shelter director in Tijuana recently said 80% of Central American girls under 18 are raped while crossing through Mexico."

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