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Mark "Cohenlett" and Laura Towler spreading coronavirus? |
Apparently "Patriotic Alternative," the supposed political party led by Mark Collett held a conference somewhere. According to leader Collett (seen standing here next to an extremely short woman) the conference attracted "200 people." As the "conference" was held in secret at a secret location, the attendance figures are also probably secret, with the "200" figure being a figure calculated to project a positive image without sounding ludicrous to the low-IQ people that "Patriotic Alternative" is aimed at.
One has to wonder why someone like Mark Collett and Laura Towler bother with a political party. What does it add to the droning, cringe-filled YouTube channels they currently run?
Collett, Towler, and Patriotic Alternative have ZERO chance of achieving anything through mainstream politics. In fact, I can confidently predict that Towler, like any other e-THOT enjoying her brief "season in the sun," will soon tire of being the centre of attention of a crowd of catty incels and simping gamma males, and completely disappear down the same hole that has swallowed the likes of Lauren Southern, Tara McCarthy, Kathy Zhu, and all the other ones I've completely forgotten.
As for the party, "Patriotic Alternative" is a joke. First of all it is not even patriotic, as the party hates Britain and everything associated with Britain. In fact these people claim that Britain has been nothing but a Jewish-run operation since the 17th century.
Right now the biggest schism in the YouTube British "Groyper Right" is between those who support "Bulldog nationalism" and those who don't.
"Bulldog nationalism" is the idea that to have any kind of normie appeal, British nationalists have to have a positive view of Britain's historical role. This means believing that the British Empire and its leaders, like Winston Churchill, were generally good, and that Hitler and the Nazis were fucked up.
Collett and his clique, including people like Geordie YouTuber Morgoth and gay Alt-Righter Millennial Woes, believe exactly the opposite. In fact Woes even apologised to a room of Germans for Britain "starting" WWII and bombing all those poor Nazis who only wanted to dance in wheat fields with Aryan maidens to oompah-bands.
Yes, they are actually that historically illiterate!
Yes, they are actually that historically illiterate!
Collett, whose nickname is "Cohenlett" because of his short stature and suspiciously un-Aryan, Levantine appearance, is also an associate of highly suspicious "White nationalist" and Jew-obsessive David Duke.
This, as well as funny little photos like the one below, means that Collett is irretrievably cast as a Neo-Nazi.
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Collett has always been attracted to tall stories |
Because he spouts all the usual fake Nazi memes -- like "Muh Dresden," "Jews started WWII," etc. -- and religiously follows the inverted form of Jewish Supremacism followed by all other Neo-Nazis, such as (((Mike Enoch))), (((Weev))), and (((Andrew Anglin))), it is entirely accurate to describe him as such.
This means that "Patriotic Alternative" has ZERO chance of appealing to anyone beyond a tiny handful of on-line Neo-Nazis and confused teenagers.
So, why even make such a party and why hold conferences? The only explanation is to collect data on would-be Nazis for the State. This is probably the same reason why someone like YouTuber the Iconoclast runs a mail order magazine, even though he can express everything he has to say on the internet.
Really, when it comes to the Deep State, there is no substitute for verified lists of names, bank details, and home addresses, as well as surreptitiously-taken photographic and audio recordings. Hope none of you reading this was stupid enough to attend.
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This is such an idiot take. So nobody's ever supposed to send out a magazine? Nobody's ever supposed to meet in person? Nobody's ever supposed to form an organization? How are we going to get anything done? At some point, keyboard-warrior cowards like you need to step out of the shadows and stand up for what you believe in. Regardless of whether you agree with Mark, Morgoth, or Dan's views, at least they are trying. What you are suggesting ONLY leaves the door open to "lone-wolf attacks" as the preferred method for effecting political change, and at that point, we might as well call YOU the subversive.
And yes, I'm posting anonymously because I'm following your suggestion, and would prefer not to give your site my personal data. Not that you'd do anything productive with it. Saboteur
You are not thinking straight. Support nationalists who are not actual Nazis for the best results.
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