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"No means no" (unless you're a virus)
There is always a reason why things happen. Spain did not just become one of the World's top coronavirus hotspots at random. 

In fact, the country's Left-wing government played a key role in the massive spread of the disease by green-lighting dozens of mass demonstrations by feminists to go ahead, even though the virus was clearly a major threat at the time. 

The Spanish government was so complicit in this disaster that a class action lawsuit has now been filed against it.

As reported by the Gates Institute:

The Spanish government, comprised of a coalition of Socialists and Communists, is facing legal action for alleged negligence in its handling of the coronavirus pandemic. The government is accused of putting its narrow ideological interests ahead of the safety and wellbeing of the public, and, in so doing, unnecessarily worsening the humanitarian crisis now gripping Spain, currently the second-worst afflicted country in Europe after Italy.

A class action lawsuit filed on March 19 accuses the Spanish government — highly ideological by any standard, as the Communist coalition partner, Podemos, was founded with seed money from the Venezuelan government — of knowingly endangering public safety by encouraging the public to participate in more than 75 feminist marches, held across Spain on March 8, to mark International Women's Day. The nationwide rallies were aimed at protesting the government's perennial bugbear: the alleged patriarchy of Western civilization.

Hundreds of thousands of people participated in those marches, and several high-profile attendees — including Spain's deputy prime minister, as well as the prime minister's wife and mother, and also the wife of the leader of Podemos — have since tested positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). It is unknown how many people were infected by the coronavirus as a result of the rallies.

The lawsuit, involving more than 5,000 plaintiffs, accuses Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and his representatives in Spain's 17 autonomous regions of "prevarication" — a Spanish legal term that means lying and deceiving. 

The first coronavirus fatality in Spain died on the 13th of February, almost a full month before the feminist rallies on the 8th of March. 

On March 2nd, the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention advised all European countries to cancel mass gatherings of people to prevent the transmission of coronavirus. Most complied. In fact, in Spain itself the sporting authorities ordered major sports matches to be held behind closed doors with no spectators. Yet, several days later, the Spanish government gave the green light to meetings featuring tens of thousands of closely bunched feminists. 

Not surprisingly, the very next day the number of coronavirus cases in Madrid doubled. 

Meanwhile the Left-wing government was so worried about the coronavirus outbreak ruining its man-hating feminist festivities that between March 6 and 9, they failed to report any new cases

Yes, humans, as far as Commies are concerned, your lives and the lives of your families are just so much trash to be wasted in the pursuit of their insane ideology. Try to keep a memo of that somewhere.

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