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No, not that BBC, LOL. I mean, of course, the British Broadcasting Corporation, the state-run media company and Left-wing propaganda mouthpiece of the multicultural British state.

Johnson, one of the intellectual heavyweights of the Alt-Right, appears in a program on Radio 4 about Savitri Devi, a brilliant but clearly mixed-up Franco-Greek woman who LARPed as a Hindu and worshipped Hitler as an incarnation of the blue-skinned Indian god Vishnu.

In the program -- "Savitri Devi: From the Aryans to the Alt-Right" -- Johnson is introduced as the "greatest living expert" on Devi, but is also sneered at by the presenter, a typical BBC leftist, for his "apartheid fantasy" views. It is also evident that Johnson's quotes have been badly edited in what is simply a crude hit piece on Devi and an attempt to present the Alt-Right as scary.

Also interviewed in the program is Martin Webster, a leading member of the British National Front in the 1970s, who, unlike Johnson, actually met Devi, but found her to be a cantankerous old bag.

You can hear the program here.

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