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The wife of Israel's embattled Prime Minister Bibi Nentanyahu has been convicted by an Israeli court of misusing public funds, after "putting her nose in the trough" to the tune of $100,000. 

Mrs Netanyahu spent the money on meals at the country's top restaurants between 2010 and 2013 and then claimed it back on "expenses."

Sara, Netanyahu’s third wife, was ordered to pay $15,210 as a fine and compensation on Sunday after agreeing a plea bargain four days earlier. Under that deal prosecutors agreed to hold her accountable for only half the amount. 

As the Israeli PM's residence has a full-time chef, spending money in expensive restaurants and making the taxpayer pick up the tab is not regarded as kosher. But the defence claimed that the case was politically motivated. 

“This is one of the most severe and hurtful punishments that a person I know has received," her lawyer Yossi Cohen said. "This is the result of four years of ugly, tendentious, libelous leaks that spilled my client’s blood. They forgot she is also a mother, a wife. I stood here astonished at the lengths our society is willing to go to hurt a person. And of course nobody wanted to hurt Mrs Netanyahu. The goal was to hurt her husband, topple the government.”

Pretty good stuff. I wonder what his hourly rates are. 

The PM responded to the case against his wife by literally implying that she was a "crazy witch." As reported by Haaretz:

Netanyahu said that Sunday marks the end of a four-year "crazy witch hunt" over "catered meals." 

After failing to secure a clear victory in April's election, Netanyahu is preparing for another election in September, in which he is not expected to do well. This may be one reason he is pushing hard for a US-led war with Iran.  

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