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Alt-Liter Mike Cernovich was speaking (or was it lithping?) at Columbia University on Monday night (30th October) and came up with a brilliant way of trolling the inevitable protetsts by Leftie students and antifa. 

He got some of his supporters to protest against himself with a fake leftist banner that included the logo of the now largely dormant paedophile-supporting organisation NAMbLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association).

The banner read, "No White Supremacy, No Pedo Bashing, No Mike Cernovich," which is probably among the top contenders for most unlikely Leftist slogan of all time.

This cunning stunt did two things, first it trolled the fuck out of the Left and made them look like a bunch of pedo-friendly twats, which was kind of where their image was parked anyway (see the Kevin Spacey scandal). And, secondly, it showed the Alt-Lite to be a vacuous movement devoid of substance and morals, who are prepared to campaign and clickbait by resorting to fake news and fake activism, in the process pissing away their remaining credibility.

So, the antifa like paedos -- who knew? -- and the Alt-Lite are just disingenuous pranksters with zero standing -- likewise, who knew? Answer: We all knew.

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