When Darren Osbourne drove his rental van at a crowd of innocent Muslim worshippers exiting the Finsbury Park Mosque about one week ago, there was immediate speculation about how Osborne had been radicalized.
In particular, "Twitter hag" and magic kiddies book author JK Rowling was quick off the mark with yet another one of her shitty tweets, reminding us yet again that her husband has been neglecting her:
Rowling was keen to point her withered claw at the lovely and eloquent Katie Hopkins, a queen amongst women, but of course other Leftists suspected that the "dark hand" of the Alt-Right was behind this terrible atrocity...As if!
Now more information has appeared about how Osborne was radicalized to commit his reckless act, revealing that he was in fact motivated in his moment of murderous mayhem against Muslims by a dark and sinister organization that has long been linked to mass extortion and pedophilia.
In fact, this corrupt organization uses threats of violence and imprisonment against anyone not paying it money, and then uses that same money to pay lavish salaries to notorious pedophiles, like Jimmy Saville, Rolf Harris, and others.
In short, it is the BBC!
In short, it is the BBC!
As reported by the Daily Mail:
The suspected Finsbury Park terrorist developed his hatred of Muslims when he watched a BBC drama about a Rochdale grooming gang, a court has heard.Darren Osborne, 47, who is accused of crashing a £80-a-day rented Citroen van into a group of worshippers on Monday, allegedly developed 'increasingly radical anti-Islamic views' after watching Three Girls, a lauded docu-drama which aired last month."
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Satanic image used by the BBC for many years to promote "soft pedophilia." |
The killer further revealed the extent of his brainwashing by the BBC in a note he left in the minivan, the actual murder weapon. This compared Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to Albert Steptoe from the notorious BBC "comedy" Steptoe and Son, a program that was infamous for normalizing the concept of the "dirty old man" in the 1960s.
The note read:
'What about you Jez`[nickname for Corbyn]? mr terrorist sympathiser, or should I call you harold, "you dirty old man" put that in ya pipe, & have some sympathy for me, well Folkes gotta go busy day today. 'Remember peaceful vigils only & please dont look back in anger, God Save the Queen.'"
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Degeneracy from the hate-filled BBC: Harold and Albert "dirty old man" Steptoe mocking Christmas. |
The serious point in all this is that covering up the crimes of Muslim rape gangs is no longer possible and isn't going to work. But then neither is "honestly" reporting and dramatizing it, as the BBC tried to do to some extent with their "Three Girls" docu-drama, as this just makes normal people like Darren Osborne rightly angry.
The only legitimate way to address this issue AND AVOID VIOLENCE is from an Alt-Right perspective. Only our beliefs, ideas, and policies can work to resolve this unfortunate situation without any needless violence and cruelty to innocent parties on either side.
The only legitimate way to address this issue AND AVOID VIOLENCE is from an Alt-Right perspective. Only our beliefs, ideas, and policies can work to resolve this unfortunate situation without any needless violence and cruelty to innocent parties on either side.
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