There has been much debate on the internet about what White Sharia is and what it will look like. Check here, here, here, and here for more.
Many thought it would mean White people behaving exactly like ISIS.
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ISIS, 1915 branch |
Many thought it would mean White women walking round in full veils.
Some thought it might even involve giving up bacon.
Let me tell you, THAT is never going to happen, and just to prove it here is another picture of bacon.
So, what exactly is White Sharia and how will we recognize it when we see it? Well, no need to ask, as White Sharia has already been achieved in the UK, thanks to our great Prime Minister Theresa May.
In the past Mrs May has said some pretty complimentary things about Sharia.
And all the time we thought she was talking about Black Sharia. We may have been completely wrong here, because, let's face it, when Mrs May's Conservative Party fucked up the UK election to world famous Anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn (see here, here, here, here, here, and here), who did she call on to prop up her government?
The DUP.
"Who the f**k are the DUP?" I can hear most of you still asking, even though it's been several days now and you really should have looked into this by now.
Quite simply the DUP is the political wing of these guys, the Ulster Defence Association, who are pretty good at 3-D socking up.
And this is their graffiti.
And here:
Notice how totally unshitty it is, unlike the drug-addled ethnic scrawlings on the walls of whichever multicultural Western metropolis you live in or near.
So what does the DUP believe in? Here are some of the public positions held by the party (their private ones are even better):
LGBT rights
Ian Paisley Jr, son of the party’s founder Ian Paisley Snr, called homosexuality "immoral, offensive and obnoxious" and said he was "repulsed" by gays and lesbians. The party also championed a campaign called "Save Ulster from Sodomy."
Former DUP health minister Jim Wells once told a South Down hustings in 2015: "The gay lobby is insatiable, they don’t know when enough is enough." He also said children raised by homosexual couples were more likely to be abused or neglected.
Gay marriage
The party resolutely opposes same-sex marriage, believing in what they call the "traditional definition of the union," and has vetoed several attempts to pass new legislation. This is why they are called a "Unionist" party.
Party leader Arlene Foster said in 2016: "I could not care less what people get up to in terms of their sexuality, that’s not a matter for me – when it becomes a matter for me is when people try to redefine marriage." She also said, "I believe in union between a man and a woman"
Party leader Arlene Foster said in 2016: "I could not care less what people get up to in terms of their sexuality, that’s not a matter for me – when it becomes a matter for me is when people try to redefine marriage." She also said, "I believe in union between a man and a woman"
The DUP opposes abortion and any attempts to liberalise the law. Ms Foster last year vowed to prevent terminations being available in Northern Ireland.
"I would not want abortion to be as freely available here as it is in England and don’t support the extension of the 1967 act," she told The Guardian in 2016.
Climate change
The party appointed Sammy Wilson environment minister because he was a climate change skeptic who said the whole thing was a "con."
In 2014 he said: "We are already paying through the nose for electricity because we go down the route of the dearest electricity possible through renewable energy and are putting our agricultural industry in jeopardy because there is no greater producer of greenhouse gases than cows."
In 2014 he said: "We are already paying through the nose for electricity because we go down the route of the dearest electricity possible through renewable energy and are putting our agricultural industry in jeopardy because there is no greater producer of greenhouse gases than cows."
As the above quote suggests, the Party also has some top-tier trolls as this kind of thing triggers the f**k out of shitlibs. Here are some more.
DUP assembly member for West Tyrone, Thomas Buchanan, last year supported an event promoting the teaching of creationism "in every school." The event included also offered "helpful practical advice on how to counter evolutionary teaching."
DUP politician Edwin Poots said the planet is a "young earth" created just 4,000 years ago.
DUP assembly member for West Tyrone, Thomas Buchanan, last year supported an event promoting the teaching of creationism "in every school." The event included also offered "helpful practical advice on how to counter evolutionary teaching."
DUP politician Edwin Poots said the planet is a "young earth" created just 4,000 years ago.
"You’re telling me that cosmic balls of dust gathered and there was an explosion. We’ve had lots of explosions in Northern Ireland and I’ve never seen anything come out of that that was good," he told the Radio Times.
Top troll!
Top troll!
The establishment sick fucks who run our society want to pretend that you have a choice, either this:
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ISIS placing a bomb on a cat. |
Or this:
But the DUP show that there is a middle road -- namely decent, morally upstanding White people with good, old-fashioned Christian values that help people lead useful lives and support a healthy civilization. This is the face of White Sharia -- and it is beautiful.
fuck it, i love the DUP. maybe you tried to portray them as a group i should be hatin', but i absolutely support all of the DUP moral points.
White sharia all the way.
-'how do you fight an idea? with another idea' - Tribune Missala, from the movie 'Ben Hur'
Sand Wiggers gonna Wigger, I guess. When do the White Sharia gangsta-rap albums come out?
There is a truth with "fighting an idea with another idea". Today the majority of people in the UK believe in nothing, and people who believe in nothing will believe in anything. Hence 57 different genders, multiculturalism and all the other insanity.
To rebuild the UK we need to start believing again in something, even the gay as the ace of spades Dutch Pim Fortyn realized that when he tried to get people to protect western society (he realized where the Muslims taking over would take things). The DUP represent a part of Britain that still has beliefs and values that they are prepared to fight for, if we had this over the entire UK then we would be a more peaceful and prosperous country.
Nancy Pelosi speaking on press coverage of the Ilhan Omar controversy, 6 Mar. 2019: “If you say the bacon is not crispy enough, they'll have an article about this unrest and unease in the Democratic Party.”
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