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As a permanently butthurt, sub-masculine loser from a broken home, Richard Spencer is well-known for his "emotionally fragile" rants and generally shit-tier behaviour.

Who could ever forget his laughable post-Charlottesville anti-Octoroon rant or all of the other mad Nazi or just plain weird shit he has done over the years.

Now in a new low for the megalomaniac non-entity, America First leader Nick Fuentes has released a "rant tape" of a clearly over-emotional Spencer F-bombing him with crude, childish insults and threats, which, of course, Spencer backed out of when he subsequently met Fuentes. 

It is believed that the recording was made around 2017 or 2018 when Spencer was enjoying a surge of "Colombian Courage" through heavy usage of a certain white nose powder paid for by his now deeply disappointed donor base.

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