Sunday 10 April 2022


The latest news is that Nazi shit-trolling site The Daily Stormer is now on a Chinese domain name! Yes, seriously! Over to the Stormer itself:

The site is officially back on the normie web at

So, what exactly is going on here?

It should be obvious by now that the Daily Stormer is a Russian-backed troll operation set up to spread disinfo and fake memes. In fact, this is the whole reason for its deplatforming in the West, as no one really minds jokes about Jews or Blacks. But what our elites don't like are outside countries trying to stir the shit and polarise our societies. That sort of thing is the prerogative of the West!

However, despite all the deplatforming, the Stormer still manages to get a lot of clicks, and not only on the Dark Web. Since 2017 the site has been on the Russian-controlled ".SU" domain, where it has been protected by its Kremlin controllers, and from where it has been boosted by other Kremlin shill sites like Unz Review.

However, early this year, something interesting happened. The Stormer moved off the ".SU" domain onto ".NAME".

There are two possible reasons for this: 

(1) The Russians were about to invade the Ukraine and were going to justify their war crimes by claiming that they were attempting to "de-Nazify" the Ukraine. Being associated with these two midgets was not ideal optics, obviously:

Poison dwarves: Anglin and Weev

(2) The Russians guessed that a lot of their more direct mouthpieces, like Russia Today, were going to be shut down in the West, but calculated that they could still get their pro-Kremlin message out through the more "anti-fragile" Daily StormerBut they didn't want to make it too obvious that the Stormer was just a pure Kremlin shill operation, so they decided to take it off the Russian-controlled ".SU" domain, putting it instead on ".NAME".

But why ".NAME"? 

Well, as this old Wired article points out, ".NAME" is a haven for cybercriminals and other shady characters. This was ideal for a site like the Stormer, but also less stable than a state-backed domain name like ".SU".

24-7 Russian shill site Unz Review boosting Anglin's Kremlin takes

If the Stormer was relocating just to hide its Kremlin connection for the duration of the war, it was assumed that it would only be for a few weeks, as Russia was expected to quickly win.

But now, with the war in its 7th week, it seems that ".NAME" has finally been pressured to dump the Stormer, forcing it to go to the domain ".CN" run by China who probably have no idea what the Stormer is. Yet!

It is unlikely to stay there long, as, once somebody tells them, the Chinese won't want to be associated with the kind of crap Anglin and Weev have been pulling for years, or with their blatant and embarrassing lying on behalf of Russia.

Anglin clearly knows this:

"I’m feeling good about this dot cn, but there is huge pressure now, because of the fact I am one of the only people with a big audience dissecting these various stupid atrocity hoaxes in the Ukraine, so nothing is certain.

So, what happens when they get kicked off ".CN" as well? Will they move back to ".SU", or will the whole stupid operation finally be wound up by its Kremlin bosses after all these years?

Also what will happen to Anglin and Weev? Will Putin's boys decide that here are a couple of loose ends that need tying up? Probably.

Poisoned dwarf: Anglin getting "downsized" by the Kremlin?

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