Monday 18 April 2022


The mainstream narrative on the ongoing riots in Sweden is as naïve as you would expect from mainstream news organisations. It basically just skims the surface. According to this, the riots are a gut-felt reaction by Swedish Muslims to an act of provocation by a nasty Right-wing hatemonger. 

Here is the BBC following the "news path of least resistance":

Clashes have taken place for a fourth day in several Swedish cities, sparked by the apparent burning of a Quran by a far-right, anti-immigrant group.

Local media said three people were injured in the eastern city of Norrköping on Sunday when police fired warning shots at rioters.

Several vehicles were set on fire and at least 17 people were arrested.

On Saturday, vehicles including a bus were set on fire in the southern city of Malmo during a far-right rally.

Earlier, the governments of Iran and Iraq summoned Swedish envoys to protest about the burning.

Danish-Swedish extremist Rasmus Paludan, who leads the Stram Kurs, or Hard Line, movement said he had burned Islam's most sacred text and would repeat the action.

But the question to be always asked in cases like this is: "Why now?" 

Sweden has had Muslims for some time, and even Right Wingers. Why wasn't this shit happening a few weeks or months ago, or else sometime in the future?

The answer is probably connected to this statement by the Russians, who are worried about the Swedes finally joining NATO: 

Moscow: Russia's foreign ministry on Friday warned of unspecified "consequences" should Finland and Sweden join the US-led NATO defence alliance, after Moscow sent troops into Ukraine.

Moscow's military actions in Ukraine have sparked a dramatic U-turn in public and political opinion in both Finland and Sweden over long-held policies of military non-alignment.

Finland said this week it will decide whether to apply for NATO membership within weeks, and Sweden is also discussing joining the alliance.

"The choice is up to the authorities of Sweden and Finland. But they should understand the consequences of such a step for our bilateral relations and for the architecture of European security as a whole," Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

Yes, "unspecified consequences." That must be code for "We'll stir up riots by your migrant population."

It is well known from the Anglosphere that Russia controls many Far-Right elements, and uses them to push divisive narratives, disinfo, and isolationist rhetoric. There is an extremely high likelihood that this is the case in Sweden as well.

Rasmus Paludan and Stram Kurs are definitely on Russia's radar. Indeed, when they were featured on Russia Today in 2019, they were campaigning on the standard line used by Kremlin-controlled nationalists, namely that of pulling troops from overseas to "police the border against migrants."

Here, catch the RT rhetoric in all its blatant luridness: 

A dark horse right-wing candidate in Denmark’s national elections who has called to militarize the country’s land border and to build a wall to keep out migrants just might earn enough votes to enter the parliament.

Immigration is already defining the contours of the upcoming national elections in Denmark, but one party is literally following the “hard line” on the issue, with calls going as far as to strip Muslim Danes of their citizenship, and deport them.

Now, debating two government ministers on Denmark’s Channel 2 TV, Stram Kurs party leader Rasmus Paludan has called for Danish troops to be pulled from overseas peacekeeping missions and to instead be stationed on the country’s border with Germany – all to prevent the entry of Muslim migrants....

In fact, a metal fence is already being built over a 70-kilometer stretch delineating the border between Denmark and its neighbor to the south. But the objective of that fence, only a meter-and-a-half high, is to impede the entry of wild boars. Danish officials fear that German boars could spread African swine fever to Danish pigs...

Yes, sweet touch there, RT, linking Muslim migrants with African swine fever, nicely calculated to stoke up both Muslims and naïve Right Wingers! This is exactly the Kremlin's destabilisation formula for any country that crosses Putin's increasingly aggressive and imperialistic path.

In the event, despite the boost from Kremlin media and social media, Stram Kurs failed to reach the 2% vote threshold to gain members of parliament. But it looks like the Kremlin just repurposed them for provoking riots like this:

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