Monday 31 January 2022


"Don't NOT call it a total victory or I will cry"

In yet another pathetic example of the Dissident Right grasping at straws, the anti vax Canadian truck convoy "insurrection" has achieved...erm..."total victory."

But rather than forcing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to give in or, better still, resign, the protest has largely fizzled away and mainly caused minor traffic disruption. 

Earlier reports and social media chatter claimed that 50,000 trucks and up to half a million people were assembling in Ottawa to bring the government of Justin Trudeau to its knees. But this seems to have been grossly exaggerated, with only a few thousand people milling around central Ottawa making a nuisance of themselves.

As reported by CBC:

"Road closures and vehicle arrivals started Friday, swelling to an estimated crowd of 8,000 people Saturday, according to police. About 3,000 people rallied around Parliament Hill Sunday, according to the city's emergency and protective services manager."

Even if Canadian media are lying through their teeth and trying to downplay the figures a bit, it is quite clear that the "truckers for freedom" movement has been much smaller than claimed, and has had little real world impact. In fact, it has mainly been an online social media sort of thingy. 

Still, credit where it's due -- they have managed to cause a few buses to take different routes for a day or two.

Not quite the Russian Revolution or even the Munich Beer Hall Putsch, but, then again, neither of those world historical events had chad honk memes like this, now, did they?

"Owning the Libs"

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