Monday 31 January 2022


Everyone wants to know if and when Russia will invade its neighbour Ukraine. The fact is, however, that  Russian President Vladimir Putin is too scared to make a chad move like that.

Instead his strategy is to talk tough and hope somebody buys his bullshit.

The reason he is unwilling to trust the Gods of War is because the Gods of War have been shitting all over him in recent months. Not only have the Yanks and Brits been pouring in loads of "big ticket" anti-tank and anti-aircraft items to bolster the Ukrainian forces, but the Ukranians have also acquired the Bayraktar TB2, a new, highly effective, and extremely cheap Turkish drone that closes the gap in Russian air superiority.

As reported by The Washington Post:
"The Bayraktar TB2 drones offer countries stealthy air power at a fraction of the cost of maintaining a traditional air force. They have featured prominently in conflicts in Libya and Syria, but it was perhaps Azerbaijan’s use of them in 2020 against Armenia that offered Ukraine an inspiring model.

Across 44 days of fighting over the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, the drones targeted Armenian and Nagorno-Karabakh soldiers and destroyed tanks, artillery and air defense systems. They tilted the scales in the more-than-three-decade conflict for Azerbaijan, which took back some territory under a cease-fire deal with Armenia."

The drone can carry a variety of guided weapons such as the UMTAS laser-guided air-to-surface anti-tank missile that is capable of engaging targets up to eight kilometers away. This means that any Russian invasion will face much higher costs than previously thought. 

The Ukraine is believed to have purchased 36 of the drones for around $200 million dollars.

This has got Putin riled. In December during a phone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Putin moaned about this, calling it “destructive” behavior and a “provocative activity.”

Erdogan 's reply was basically "tough shit, Vlad," and now there are plans to even build the drones in the Ukraine.

While Russia still has a major military lead over the Ukraine, an invasion that incurred heavy casualties, had no clear end point, and which also caused Russia real economic pain would deeply undermine Putin's brittle authority within Russia, where he is increasingly seen as a corrupt tyrant out of touch with the ordinary Russian people.

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