Saturday 29 January 2022


Fighting the Lockdown Fascists the only way he knows how

Sometimes the normie media does good work. Here is a list, compiled by The Washington Post, of all of all the parties so far mentioned in Boris Johnson's so-called "Partygate Scandal."

It shows that Johnson is a real hero who has been hard at work inside the belly of the beast, doing his best to bring down the evil Covid lockdown regime imposed on us all by evil globalists like Bill Gates, George Soros, Xi Jinping, and Anthony Fauci. Well done, Boris! 

(1) Cheese and wine in garden. May 15, 2020

The Guardian published a photograph of a “wine-and-cheese party” that took place in the garden of Downing Street on May 15, 2020, when gatherings of more than two people were banned in outdoor public places. Visible in the picture are the prime minister, his wife, 17 staff members and bottles of wine. Downing Street said staff were discussing work.

Note that Boris is sitting at the No. 10 "coke table."

(2) ‘Bring your own booze’ party, May 20, 2020

Johnson’s private secretary, Martin Reynolds, sent an email to dozens of staffers, encouraging them to “bring your own booze” to a party on May 20, 2020 — at a time when the public was banned by law from meeting up with more than one person outside their households. Johnson admitted attending the outdoor gathering “for 25 minutes.”

(3) Johnson’s birthday, June 19, 2020

ITV News reported that Johnson’s wife, Carrie, helped organize an afternoon surprise party attended by about 30 people for the prime minister’s birthday June 19, 2020. Guests reportedly sang “Happy Birthday” as Johnson was presented with a cake. That same evening, the broadcaster said, family and friends gathered inside the Johnson residence.

A Downing Street spokesperson told The Washington Post that staff members “gathered briefly in the Cabinet Room after a meeting to wish the Prime Minister a happy birthday. He was there for less than 10 minutes.” The spokesman said Johnson hosted a small number of family members outside that evening.

(4) Party at No. 11 Downing Street,  Nov. 13, 2020

On Nov. 13, 2020, the same day top adviser Dominic Cummings was nudged out, there was allegedly a party at the residence of Johnson and his wife, the apartment above 11 Downing Street. According to Cummings, formal invitations were sent out. London was under Tier 3 restrictions at the time, preventing households from mixing indoors. Asked if there was a party on this date, Johnson told Parliament: “No, but I am sure that whatever happened, the guidance was followed and the rules were followed at all times.”

(5) ‘Impromptu’ drinks inside a government office, Nov. 25, 2020

Staff had drinks to celebrate Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s spending review Nov. 25, 2020. A spokesperson for the Treasury said a “small number” of staff celebrated at their desks. Pubs in the city were shuttered at the time due to coronavirus regulations.

(6) A leaving party, Nov. 27, 2020

On Nov. 27, 2020, Johnson reportedly remarked on how crowded the room inside Downing Street was before giving a speech at what the Guardian reported was an impromptu farewell celebration for aide Cleo Watson.

(7) ‘Drinks and canapés’ at Education Department, Dec. 10, 2020

The Department for Education admitted holding a Christmas party Dec. 10, 2020, with staff gathering inside the building after work — despite social mixing between households being barred.

“The gathering was used to thank those staff for their efforts during the pandemic,” a spokeswoman said, adding that, in hindsight, it would have been “better not to have gathered in this way at that particular time.”

(8) ‘Wine time Fridays’, Dec. 11, 2020

The Mirror reported that Downing Street staff held recurring “wine time Fridays” throughout the pandemic, with staffers taking turns wheeling a suitcase to the supermarket to stock up. The tabloid published a photo of what it said was a 34-bottle wine fridge being delivered through the back door of the building Dec. 11, 2020.

(9) Party hats and alcohol at another Christmas party, Dec. 14, 2020

Downing Street staff were reportedly among the attendees at a Dec. 14, 2020, party at the headquarters of the Conservative Party. The party allegedly included dancing into the early hours, despite Tier 2 restrictions in London. Former London mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey apologized after a photo emerged and resigned as chair of the London Assembly’s policing and crime committee.

(10) A Christmas quiz, Dec. 15, 2020

On Dec. 15, 2020, Downing Street hosted a Christmas quiz for staffers. A photo published by the Mirror showed the prime minister inside No. 10 reading out questions alongside one aide draped in tinsel, the other donning a Santa hat. At the time, social mixing between households was banned. Downing Street said Johnson “briefly took part virtually” to thank staff members for their work during the health crisis.

(11) ‘Boozing and dancing’ at the Transport Department, Dec. 16, 2020

Staff at the Department of Transport drank and danced after work on Dec. 16, 2020, as London was placed under “very high alert” and forced into Tier 3 restrictions. The department has apologized for the “inappropriate” event and for its staff’s “error of judgment.”

(12) Cabinet staff parties, Dec. 17, 2020

On Dec. 17, 2020, while England was in lockdown, staff members from the cabinet office gathered to say goodbye to Kate Josephs, a former senior civil servant who led the government’s coronavirus task force. Josephs has since apologized. In a separate gathering on the same day, staff for the Cabinet Secretary Simon Case attended an event titled a “Christmas Party.” A government spokesperson said it was a “virtual quiz” and that Case didn’t take part but walked through the office. When reports of the gathering emerged, Case stepped down from leading an inquiry into the Downing Street parties.

(13) Downing Street Christmas party, Dec. 18, 2020

On Dec. 18, 2020, Downing Street staff reportedly gathered to exchange gifts, sip wine and eat cheese in a rule-breaking event that was later joked about by Allegra Stratton, the prime minister’s then-press secretary. Stratton tearfully resigned last month. Boris Johnson’s staff denied there was a 2020 Christmas party — except they joked about it on camera

(14) Goodbye party for a defense adviser, Dec. 2020

The Mirror claims Johnson gave a speech at a leaving event for his then-defense adviser, Steve Higham, just before Christmas 2020. Johnson was allegedly “there for a few minutes to thank him for his service,” according to the report. The Ministry of Defense declined to comment.

(15) Parties during mourning, April 16, 2021

On the eve of Prince Philip’s funeral, on April 16, staffers held two parties for departing colleagues at Downing Street. The next day, Queen Elizabeth II was photographed mourning her husband of seven decades by herself, because she was abiding by the coronavirus restrictions put in place by Johnson’s government. Downing Street apologized to Buckingham Palace for the “deeply regrettable” events that took place amid “national mourning” and during a time that indoor mixing was banned.

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