Tuesday 1 February 2022


Democrat "turd" politician with supermajority 
explaining why universal healthcare is impossible

The Democrats like to pretend that the only thing stopping free universal health care are those nasty Republicans and their "evil corporate interests." But it looks like those "evil corporate interests" have just as much pull over the Dems, after a Democrat-sponsored bill to create a single-payer health care system in California mysteriously self-destructed. 

As reported by the San Francisco Chronicle:

Progressives’ goal to make California the first state to create a single-payer health care system was dashed on Monday after a Bay Area legislator decided not to bring the bill up for a floor vote.

Assembly Member Ash Kalra, D-San Jose, said he shelved AB1400, his bill to create a state-run system, because it did not have the support of enough legislators — a defeat that comes as many moderate Democrats raised concerns about an estimate that universal health care could cost up to $391 billion per year.

“It became clear that we did not have the votes necessary for passage and I decided the best course of action is to not put AB 1400 for a vote today,” Kalra said in a statement. “Although the bill did not pass the Assembly by today’s deadline, this is only a pause for the single-payer movement; our coalition ... will continue the fight for accessible, affordable and equitable health care for all Californians.”

Blah, blah, blah. Long story short, the Dems rely just as much on big money donors as the GOP and are not going to pass it without the permission of their corporate paymasters. After all the Dems have supermajorities in California, and in theory can pass what they want, but clearly the "Invisible Hand" is holding them back. "Universal health care" is just a bullshit term they use to drum up votes from the poor and the working class so that they and their corporate overlords can continue shitting on them.

Yes, universal health care might actually be a bad ideas, as passing the bill could have cost California between $314 to $391 billion annually, which is more than the governor’s entire proposed state budget of $286.4 billion. But in that case they should just admit it and stop talking about it. But, as you already probably know, our "democratic" system is about constantly bullshitting the public with big promises that are never delivered.

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