Friday 28 January 2022


There have been excited reports on media and social media of a convoy of trucks heading to the Canadian capital Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates that will effect truck drivers who cross the US border.

According to breathless accounts, the convoy is made up of 50,000 trucks, and is now in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest convoy ever. 

However, basic mathematical skills will tell you to be suspicious of this story. 

If we assume that the average truck is about 10 metres long and needs around 10 metres of space in front and behind, then such a convoy would have to be 1000 kilometres long, or around 621 miles. 

Even in a country as huge and spacious as Canada this is obviously a stretch.

Also, this might simply be a ruse by the Canadian government to raise revenue through parking fees in Ottawa.

According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance, more than 85% of Canada's 120,000 cross-border truck drivers are vaccinated, around 102,000. 

It would be great if Canada was being brought to its knees by truckers who were "as mad as hell and were not going to take it anymore," but my guess is that this story is being completely overblown and hyped, and nothing much will happen.

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