Friday 28 January 2022


Strength through joy, innit?

A British policeman is believed to have achieved a multiple spontaneous sexual orgasm after he arrested a totally innocent woman for "thought crime" and "not having a licence."

According to experts, this is now the only way in which a British police constable can extend his truncheon and achieve "sexual Nirvana."

The sudden outpouring of sticky joy is believed to have occurred in the Welsh town of Newport where a disabled woman Jennifer Swayne, 53, was detained for more than 12 hours for placing posters around the town that said milquetoast normie things like “humans never change sex” and "men in dresses should stay out of women’s spaces."

The woman was also suspected of committing the well-known "hate crime" of having a book that anyone can buy on Amazon.

Thought criminal Swayne with "unlicensed" Amazon bookie-wook

As reported by the Times:

Police have arrested a women’s rights campaigner for an alleged hate crime and seized an academic book from her home after she put up posters “directed towards the trans community”.

Jennifer Swayne, 53, was detained for more than 12 hours after placing posters around Newport that made claims about trans women in prisons and said “humans never change sex” and that men in dresses should stay out of women’s spaces.

She accused Gwent police of operating “like the Stasi” after they raided her home and took a book of essays on “the theory and practice of transgendering children”. Co-edited by Dr Heather Brunskell-Evans, an academic previously no-platformed by university students, and Professor Michele Moore, the book contends that politics rather than science accounts for the rise in the number of transgender children. Swayne said that police did not say why they took the book, which contained her handwritten notes.

This sort of thing may seem totally innocent to you, but to Britain's bug-eyed security forces this is tantamount to plotting a terrorist outrage on a scale dwarfing 9-11 in magnitude:

Swayne, who is disabled, was riding around Newport on her mobility scooter putting up posters on Sunday afternoon when police stopped her. She was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and displaying threatening or abusive writing likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.[...]

Fair Cop, which campaigns against the criminalisation of free speech, accused Gwent police of “unlawful interference”. Harry Miller, the group’s co-founder who won a landmark legal victory against another force when he was accused of alleged transphobic tweets, said that Gwent police were “out of control”. [...]

Swayne said they were posters she had made at home. Phrases included “no child is born in the wrong body, humans never change sex”; “respect women’s spaces”; and “Woman = Adult Human Female”. Her other posters said that women were in danger in prisons from transgender sex offenders and called for “no men in women’s prisons”. One asked: “Are you happy for your 13-year-old daughter to shower next to an adult man, yes or no?”

The key to stamping the boot of totalitarian oppression into the face of dangerous thought criminals like Swayne is not to debate their viewpoint, but to instead demonize them with a made-up word like "racist," "Nazi," "sexist," or, in this case, "transphobic" and then set the gutter press on them, like the Times:

She told The Times she was not transphobic and was educating the public about gender politics. “I have never made a sticker with the word trans in it. This is about women at risk,” she said.

Swayne said that police did not tell her why they had taken the transgender book — a collection of essays entitled Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body.

Brunskell-Evans, who edited the book, said that the police appeared to be operating within a “very narrow, partisan view of what it is legitimate to have on your bookshelf”.

“That is dangerous for liberal democracy. A book that has been published, is in the public domain and has been for years, and does not break the law in any way whatsoever, should be of no concern to the police.”

Owing to her disability, Swayne had to lie on her back in a police van on her way to the station to be questioned.

This may seem a little heavy-handed to some, but rest assured that it is is all "part and parcel" of Britain's quaint and lovingly nurtured Orwellian Anarcho-Tyrannical State, a new initiative to revive the economy by attracting tourism from the international BDSM community. 

"Crush my liberties harder, Daddy"

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