Wednesday 11 November 2020


We are the opposite of cupid

As devotees of objective truth, Trad News is more interested in accurately reporting the news than in making it. But occasionally our attempts to gather precise information on what is happening in the wider World have an impact upon it, in which case we have an obligation to accurately report on that as well. 

On Monday (9th Nov) we reported on that Nick Fuentes associate Catboy Kami, in the company of Baked Alaska, had made a Fed-tier, Neo-Nazi speech at a Proud Boys rally. In the speech Kami said: 

"For centuries parasites have poisoned our minds...these rats in human disguise and their puppets revel in watching us kill ourselves...We will not fall for their evil tricks again. We will not fall for the lies of the Jews this time." 

Following the speech, he then introduced himself to bystanders saying: 

"I am Catboy Kami and I hate n*****s" 

Keen to know where Nick Fuentes stood on these important questions raised by his associates, Trad News took the liberty of contacting him via Twitter: 

Fuentes then responded with what can best be described as "genteel criticism." 

Normally Fuentes is a lot more acerbic than this. Look, for example, at how he destroyed Richard Spencer countless times. 

The fact that he put on the kid gloves and pulled his punches in this case suggests that, while he strongly disagrees with Kami's extremely "bad optics," he feels constrained by the nature of their previous (or possibly ongoing) friendship from slapping him down too hard.

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