Thursday 12 November 2020


Economic data from the OECD reveals that Britain's economy is the worst hit of all the G7 countries, with GDP shrinking by a massive 21% in the Third Quarter (July, August, September). This is clearly due to the so-called Conservative government's inability to fight back against the Covid hysteria and the nation's tendency to pathetically simp for portly NHS nurses.

According to the figures, the average for G7 countries was minus 11.9%, but this was mainly because the UK economy did so badly that it dragged down the average down so low. Most countries experienced a relatively minor downturn. The US, for example, experienced a modest minus 2.9% downturn despite the best efforts of Democrat-run states to destroy the economy.

This is economic disaster is exactly what happens when you have a uselesss cuckservative like Boris Johnson running the country. Johnson is a "One Nation" conservative, who seems to think that the only way he can stop the UK falling apart is to outflank the looney Labour Party by going along with every hysterical attempt to shut down vast swathes of the economy. It is much more likely to have the opposite effect.

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