Saturday 13 June 2020


Piers Morgan the irritating TV host and presenter of "Good Morning Britain," has been a strong supporter of Black Lives Matter and their sick campaign to destroy Britain's rich cultural heritage "because slavery."

But it seems that Morgan has not always been so "woke," because an image has now emerged of him dressed up in a Nazi uniform. 

The logic of this is obvious : if Morgan can support removing statues because of their supposedly "racist" past, then surely "Good Morning Britain" can "cancel" Morgan for poncing around in a Nazi uniform giving Nazi salutes. 

As reported by

The picture...was taken at a party in East Sussex where, according to Guido’s source, Piers was goose-stepping around and giving “Heil Hitler” salutes. The wearing of Nazi uniforms in itself is a crime in many countries that were the victims of Nazi occupation…

This adds to the long list of celebrities who have been caught wearing fashy uniforms outside movie roles, like TV chef Paul Hollywood:

Prince Harry:

Not to mention other dubious sartorial choices like this by dead-egged pop star Taylor Swift:

Apparently it was taken at Katy Perry's 25th birthday party, and the letters "JH" reportedly stand for "Jew Hater." 

Then there is Obergruppenführer Lemmy von Motorhead, who unfortunately can't be cancelled because he had the good sense to die just before the World went mad:

And shock rocker Marilyn Manson:

OK, this is just getting silly now. Sorry!

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