Friday 12 June 2020


CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autistic Zone in Seattle that is run by antifa and BLM, is making history. 

Not only has the revolutionary seven-block site successfully seceded from the corrupt United States of America and imposed effective border controls, but it has also broken records in the creation of street art and political murals, like this one:

...and this one...

...and of course this one...

Now, in yet another major breakthrough for the utopian anarchist collective, they have also solved world hunger by hitting on the innovative idea of turning formally infertile urban spaces into farms or "antifarms" that are farmed by antifa and other urban bugmen.

The results are astounding and are being watched with interest in Africa by starving Black children on their laptops.

The Earth is literally vomitting up food to feed the starving millions

Thanks to these daring agricultural experiments the World population will soon be as well fed as the average American and just as happy. Will that end racism? We don't know, but if it does, there will be only one man to thank. Thank you, Floyd!

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