Sunday 14 June 2020


Watching the coverage of the "Football Lads" march in London yesterday was like taking a crash course in North Korean propaganda.

Unlike last week when they faced violent BLM protesters, the police this time kitted themselves out in helmets and riot gear, with truncheons, mace,  etc., and then acted provocatively towards the patriotic football supporters who had come to London to protect the statues vandalised by BLM supporters last week. 

Last week:

Police kowtowing to violent BLM demonstrators last week (27 police officers were hospitalised)

In any confrontations between patriots and BLM/antifa, the police made sure to police the patriots to stop them defending themselves, while turning a blind eye to any violence by Leftists. 

Policeman makes sure evil White racist doesn't 
retaliate against peaceful Black kicker.
Elsewhere gangs of BLM thugs roamed the streets looking for isolated Whites to attack. This was then reported as "thuggish Right-wing violence." Here is the BBC in typical totalitarian style:

Police have been attacked by demonstrators in central London, where thousands gathered despite warnings to avoid protests.

Groups including some far-right activists congregated in the capital, claiming they were protecting statues from anti-racism activists.

Boris Johnson said "racist thuggery has no place on our streets" after officers were seen being punched and kicked.

Some peaceful anti-racism protests also took place in London and across the UK.

Here are some images they forgot to run to back up their story:

"Some peaceful anti-racism protests also took place in London..."

LOL, do they mean like this?

The rest of the Britbong media quickly fell in lockstep with the Orwellian lie factory that is the BBC. 

Unable to find any evidence of Right-wing violence, they then focused on a trivial story about some White guy taking a leak next to a microscopic memorial to a White police officer killed by...wait for insane Muslim Black.

That thing's fucking tiny. If I were dying for a piss, I don't think I would see it either. But this even got the deranged Home Secretary Priti Patel tweeting hysterically:

I guess no one told her about all the stabbings and stompings that had taken place.

Also, in true North Korean, "Ministry of Truth" style, the media then managed to dig up a fake hero to push their desired narrative, making this photo go viral.

As you can see, it is just designed to make White people look weak and pathetic. In fact the two men in it could well be plants. But just listen to the pathetic Daily Mail race-simping over it:

hero Black Lives Matter supporter has lifted the lid on the moment he carried a 'far-right' protester, whose 'life was in danger', to safety in the midst of clashes with anti-racism protesters in London.

Patrick Hutchinson drew the attention of a nation yesterday when an image of him lifting the bloodied white protester onto his shoulders amid violent clashes near Trafalgar Square went viral....

Mr Hutchinson told reporter Keme Nzerem he knew nothing about the man he saved, who he described as 'partially unconscious'. 

"Partially unconscious"? Must have been from all those peaceful BLM activists who were non-violently kicking his head in.

Yes, we live in North Korea now.

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