Wednesday 8 April 2020


It's well known that coronavirus kills men at a higher rate than women. But the latest figures from New York show that this disparity is even wider in the Big Apple:

As reported by the New York Times:

In its inexorable spread across New York City, the coronavirus is exacting a greater toll on men than women. Not only are men infected in greater numbers, new data show, but they are also dying at nearly twice the rate of women.

To date, there have been nearly 43 Covid-19 deaths for every 100,000 men in the city, compared with 23 such deaths for every 100,000 women, according to figures reported by the city’s health department. And men are being hospitalized with severe disease at higher rates.

That's almost twice as deadly, FFS!

Doctors and scientists are baffled by the enormous gap and are struggling to explain it:

Women have more robust immune systems, some scientists have noted, that provide an edge in fighting off infections — although it also makes them more susceptible to autoimmune disorders.

Physicians working at hospitals throughout the city say the gender disparity is stark and impossible to miss.

“I’m in the emergency room, and it’s remarkable — I’d estimate that 80 percent of the patients being brought in are men,” said Dr. Hani Sbitany, a reconstructive surgeon at Mount Sinai Health Systems who has been treating Covid-19 patients in Brooklyn. “It’s four out of five patients.”

Another possible explanation for this enormous disparity is that it is due to falling birthrates, with American -- and especially "urbanite" -- women saving their strength by not having kids, and thus being able to better fight off disease.

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